A couple of days ago, someone added me as a friend on Facebook. I saw that we shared two mutual friends, one being my girlfriend. I asked my girlfriend who she was and she said it was her twin sister.

Upon being told this, I accept the friend request and start talking to the sister. It was all fun. We started talking about hobbies and then I added her to a group chat with my girlfriend and our friend group. Eventually my girlfriend got tired of the joke and told me that it was her all along.

This has upset me because I have trouble finding friends and I thought that this could be another friend but she never existed to begin with. I’m just not sure what to do. My girlfriend feels bad about the prank but I can’t help but be upset.

TLDR: Girlfriend befriended me as her nonexistent twin sister as a prank.

  1. Wait, like, I’m confused. Is this a long con where your girlfriend has always maintained she has a twin and this was a lie? Or was her having a twin a surprise to you? Or does she really have a twin but this person isn’t it?

    How long have you been dating?

  2. That was a loyalty test. For what it’s worth, you passed.

    However your girlfriend has flunked.

  3. What was supposed to be funny about that prank? This is just garbage behavior on her part, man.

  4. I know that you’re only 18. But you see that this is bat shit crazy behavior, right? She’d better be bat shit hot.

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