To give some added context, my boyfriend and I (F 23) have been together for 2 years now. Back in December, my boyfriend bought tickets for his dad and him to go to an event which happened to be last night. My boyfriend decided to take off the next two days, since he also has plans this upcoming Friday as well. Our anniversary is on January 31st, but instead of taking off that day, he decided that we spend our anniversary today, the 26th. We’ve been planning this for a while, and finally had set plans. Last night, he yelled a lot and essentially lost his voice and has a sore throat now, so not only that all of our plans are canceled, he has slept and has said maybe 3-4 words to me all day (we live together). I feel selfish for being upset, and I understand he doesn’t feel well, I was just really looking forward to these plans and I feel a lil dismissed, especially since we are both busy people and have a hard time finding a day to dedicate to each other. How should I go about this?

TL;DR: My boyfriend cancelled anniversary plans due to losing his voice at an event last night.

  1. If he went out, got drunk, screamed his lungs out and is now hungover and irritable because when he knew you had plans and he now feels like shit and is being a jerk to you then…yea…you have a right to be super annoyed with him.

  2. Do you feel like he was irresponsible last night? Does he have a habit of cancelling plans/not prioritizing you? What are his plans for tomorrow night?

  3. Unfortunately, unexpected things happen. It sounds like he had good intent and wanted to do something with you today, but he didn’t expect to lose his voice. Stuff just happens sometimes and we have to roll with the punches. It’s okay to be disappointed to yourself, but I wouldn’t say anything to him. He didn’t lose his voice on purpose. I would just be super nice to him while he’s not feeling well. Maybe offer to get soup or something for him. Then when he’s feeling better, see if he wants to make alternate plans.

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