Edit: How can you motivate yourself to make sport part of your life?

  1. I bicycle and swim daily. My brother and I have a friendly competition, also my wife helps me to stay motivated. One of the main things I do is I compete in Aqua-Bike meets (mile swim & 25 mile bike race) so I try to stay in the mindset of being in training. This keeps me on the path when I’d rather just sit home and watch TV.

  2. None. Occasional weight lifting, I suppose? I work all day and have kids. My sport: get food in the little buggers, fix my daughter’s hair (she won’t budge otherwise) and get to the ~~torture~~ drive line to drop them off at school on time.

  3. Soccer, golf. The former has been a huge part of my life/my family’s since i was 7, i played in college but now only play occasionally/when i can. I played golf a little as a kid when my grandparents introduced me to it, but it became a bigger hobby of mine when friends and I needed something to do/ a way to get outside during lockdowns and it was the only option

  4. Weightlifting. I’ve just signed up for a local competition after years not having the time to compete.

    As regards motivation, it’s intrinsic for me. I just want to and I enjoy it. I don’t think I’ve ever trained reluctantly. Heavy lifting days (i.e. a max out on a snatch or clean/jerk) can be anxious in the run up, but that’s not reluctance.

  5. I was never in to sports growing up. At 34 I decided I needed to do something, so I tried Judo. 8 years later I am still in to it. It’s fun, I like the camaraderie and the belt ranking system gives me motivation. My dojo is fairly recreational so no one is super hardcore looking to smash you. That suits me. I would not like a competition focused dojo.

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