I just wanna see everyone in here hype themselves up. Could be a body part, an intangible thing about your personality, the effect you have on others – just tell me how awesome you are 🙂

  1. I like that I’m compassionate and not afraid to stick up for what I believe in.

  2. I have found I love pictures of me genuinely smiling or laughing. Something about them brings that joy up, even if I don’t remember why I was happy

  3. I like that I’m unapologetically myself. I don’t try to be someone I’m not or who I think some other people would want me to be. I’m very honest, even if sometimes my ideas are not popular or not what people want to hear; I respect you enough to always tell you the truth. I’m also extremely confident and self-assured, Which I am especially proud of considering how cripplingly insecure I was as a teen.

  4. My silliness! I think it’s what helps keep me happy and light, even in darker times.

  5. I’m good at singing and arranging, less good at song writing. People also compliment me on my compassion, but I find that weird because I feel like that’s a given.

  6. I do my best to not hurt other people.

    I once spent 4 days in a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt, and I made friends with a man who had trouble remembering me due to him undergoing ECT. But I remained patient and understanding with him even when he knew he knew me but couldn’t recall me.

  7. That I’m so communicative and easy to get into conversation with everyone. 🙂 And that I manage to involve everyone. It is very important to me that nobody feels left out.
    Plus I would say that I can be a very funny person. I love to laugh with others.
    And yes, I like the way I look. 🙂

  8. I love my confidence and the fact that I’m always able to stand up for myself, no matter who I’m dealing with.

  9. Physically – I love my eyes. They are bright green and they have been getting more and more green as I get older.

    Personality – I am fiercely loyal to those I love. I can also occasionally crack a well timed joke.

  10. I’m very kind and empathetic. Even though it tends to get me hurt, it helps a lot more people.

  11. I really like my hair. It grows slowly so it’s taken near 10 years to get to my ribs and I think it looks really pretty. Also my friends say I’m nice and easy to talk to so woo!

  12. These comments so far make me so happy, everyone celebrating themselves 🥰

    I’d have to say I love my inquisitive nature. I always want to know how things work and where something leads to, it’s meant I’ve met some incredible people and pushed myself further to get answers to things that I find really really interesting 🙂

    Also my legs are thicc like tree trunks and although it may sound a bit silly, I love the POWER they hold. Not even necessarily muscular strength but just, they look strong. Walk like thunder.

  13. I love how people feel safe with me, telling me they are able to be totally themselves around me and open up about things they wouldn’t necessarily share with others. Over time this has heavily inspired me to, as much as I can, also be my silly self whenever I so please. Killjoys can go stare at a wall if they’re unhappy.

  14. Although I talk too much, I’m also a really good listener and I’m good at calming people down and giving them honest and useful advice 🙂

  15. I’m very independent and literally don’t need anyone. One of my favorite things to say is that you could strip me of everything I have now and I would just go get it again.

  16. I give everything I have to people who would not do the same for me. I used to feel really down on myself about it but then I realized that what other people do says everything about them and nothing about me. I’m a kind person and it’s not just about what someone else can do for me in return.

  17. I am very resourceful and I don’t give up/always find a way to get back up and keep going

  18. I’m a problem solver, Ik when things get tough I’ll figure it out and pull through

  19. Im very independent. I can figure most things out. I will start a campfire if needed. I fixed our dryer when it was broken.

  20. I’m strong, not physically but emotionally. My MIL just told me that when she needs strength she comes to me, I don’t think she knows how much of a compliment that was to me.

  21. Physical: I have a great booty to waist ratio. Genetically I’m blessed with the ability to grow muscle pretty easily. I also have a cute elf-like slope in my nose.

    Personality-Wise: I’m a critical thinker and the truth is more important to me than my knee-jerk emotional reactions, so I’m always open to changing my mind with evidence instead of clinging to something that I originally thought. I’m also very compassionate and kind despite being very shy. If someone is wronged or hurt I put my shyness aside and will do everything I can to support them and stand up for them, especially if they don’t have much power to do so themselves.

  22. I’m super resourceful, determined, and a great problem solver. 🕵🏻‍♀️

  23. I have terrific critical-thinking skills, and am very lateral-thinking when I’m solving problems. I can inject a lot of humour into people’s day, and make them feel good about themselves by using my empathy and communication skills. I can also use all these skills in the bedroom, which makes me a good lover.

  24. I’m naturally an extremely confident person. Mostly because I have always, even from a super young age, been in tune with exactly who I am. And that’s powerful stuff.

  25. I’m persistent. Even if I run into roadblocks and vent/complain along the way, I manage to do what I set out to do.

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