Married men, what are the long term advantages of getting married?

  1. If you manage to find right one and get along then you will be happy but i don’t really think it is possible these days with different expectations

  2. Never having to make a decision again for the rest of your life.

    Everything you don’t get right will be lovingly corrected each time

    Sex TWaiCE a year for anniversary and birthday

    All your stuff has its own place tucked away somewhere in the basement…

    Oh the joys 😂

  3. Social:
    – if your gf is really attractive, you don’t need to deal with other men trying their luck with your gf, even if you trust her, she doesn’t respond to them at all and she shares it with you if there is no ring on the hand they will try and it is annoying. Once we married they shut up for good
    – you don’t have problem sleeping together around the world especially Islam countries
    – you are perceived as part of her family by them
    – higher trust from your kids school, kinder garden, neighbors etc.

    – taxes optimization in most of west economy countries
    – higher credit score
    – you can afford better house/car together
    – you have somebody to support your career

    – easier to do administrative stuff as well as for kids when you have the same surname
    – access to medical records if needed
    – inheritance stuff is much more easier
    – easier to do stuff with kids
    – you can plan better vacations etc.

    – spouse is usually the best friend
    – constant support
    – more sex than when dating
    – you are rarely alone

  4. It’s a natural progression of human life, and it opens up a new chapter of experience.

    If you choose your partner correctly and live virtuously, the majority of your life experience is going to happen with that partner. And through those decades, you build a brand new life together, especially with the possibility of children. It’s like seeing the world through new eyes compared to being single.

  5. Stability, knowing someone loves you, sex, never being lonely, having a helpmate with your career and life’s decisions, raising kids as a team rather than alone, sharing hobbies, better financial stability, live in care giver if you become disabled or are sick.

  6. You get to go through life with a partner. Someone to share all your joys and sorrows with. Someone who’s there to support you, love you, take some of the load when you can’t bear it all. Someone who can be your rock when you need it. Someone who can push you to do the things you need to do when you don’t have the willpower to do them yourself. And you get all of the legal and financial benefits that being married gets you.

  7. I got with my partner when we were very young (we met in high school) and I’m 37 now so honestly I just don’t know any different anymore.

    But the idea of having someone that will always have my back, a true ‘partner’ in life that will always be there for me is awesome.

    Plus honestly in almost 20 years the absolute longest I have EVER gone without getting laid can be counted in weeks (she needed a few weeks to recover after childbirth, entirely understandable).

    I bring that up because I will always recall a few co-workers ragging me out for marrying really young and talking about all my missed opportunities. Then later that same day he was complaining about how he hadn’t had any action in 6 months!

  8. Formerly married, but dealing with my late husband’s estate would have been an absolute clusterfuck otherwise, considering he was estranged from his parents.

    Obviously we could have sorted all that out with a lawyer too, but it wasn’t at the top of our priority list as healthy 30somethings and his death was sudden/unexpected.

  9. In today’s age, there is nothing you can’t do as a defacto that can do as married so there is no advantage or any special card you get.

    But it does give you 1 thing a marriage is a celebration of your union, at it give you and your partner plus family and friends an opportunity to celebrate together in what ever way you choose.

    I was talked into marriage at 18, because of religion and other people around me pressuring me. I ended up in a relationship I was not happy with, for 11 years I tried to make it work and couldn’t. My point is rushing in is a bad idea to devorce and undo a marriage is a hell of a lot harder than waiting a couple of years to make sure it’s right for you.

    So my advice don’t rush, be sure, ask for your families honest opinion and listen objectively then make a choice that’s right for you.

  10. Mutual support.

    I just wrote this in another thread. Basically, in the five years since we’ve been married our household income has doubled. She makes about twice as much as she did in 2017 ($50K->$100K), and I make about twice as much as I did ($100K->$200K). (FWIW, we got married when she was in her late 20s and I was in my early 40s.)

    In that same time, we’ve had three kids and the usual amount of horseshit: job losses, family deaths. Our older daughter had a birth injury and so has needed a couple surgeries and constant physical therapy.

    It’s a lot of work. Sometimes things are really hard. But seeing that household income change is a good reminder of how well we support each other. The money isn’t a reason to get married, but is a good measure of the things that we do for each other that are otherwise really hard to measure. The takeaway is that we do a lot better as a team than either of us did when we were single.

  11. Next of kin: As you grow older, it’s important to have someone you can trust to honor your wishes, or make decisions in your best interest, when for some reason you can’t.

    tax benefits, shared extended healthcare, being each other default successor for our investments, etc.

    It’s also a lot of work to raise kids by yourself. My life expectancy would definitely be lower if I didn’t have my wife. Talking about kids, it’s really good to know that if anything happens to me, my kids will be safe, and that someone will continue looking for their best interests.

    Stability: I have someone I can trust and confide to. Every day, I have someone I just be myself with, bounce ideas with and also someone to keep me in check.

    Sure, some of these can be achieved through other means other than marriage, but I like the idea of being married: I like looking at my wife and thinking “hey, that’s my wife!” and refer to her as such.

  12. I mean there isn’t much more fulfilling than loving and being loved. It’s kind of what life is all about. Nothing and I mean nothing makes me happier than making my wife happy. And that’s what it is to love with all your heart. I work 100 hours a week and I love every second of it because it makes her happy. I will spend a week on my knees laying flooring in her moms house and love every second of it because it makes her happy. But service is my love language, but nonetheless there is no greater thing than to love someone so much that it is the entire purpose of your life.

  13. Besides potential tax benefits? Absolutely none. (I realize I am not a man, but I have been married twice. There are no benefits. If you are looking for benefits in a marriage as a reason to marry, you have missed the point completely.)

  14. Me and my wife have been together for over 20 years. We get along pretty well; we can count on one hand the number of fights we have in a year, and we like spending time together. Is it all wine & roses? Nope. I mean she sometimes busts my balls, but I know that it comes from a good place; like she’s a nurse so if I don’t actively take care of myself, she’ll let me know. And she does that because she cares about me and wants me to be around for our grandkids, if we ever have some. Men in my family tend to die young so I get it.

    The long-term advantage though is that I have a partner. Someone I like to be around and who likes to be around me. Someone I can sit and do things I enjoy with and someone I can try new things with. Someone who has my back and someone who’s back I have. I’ve never understood marriages where it seems like it’s some sort of endless competition to see who gets the upper hand at any given time. I would jump off a bridge if I was in a marriage like that.

  15. Companionship through the tough time and tons of fun through the good. Someone to look after you when you’re sick. You make double the income so while we still can’t retire, we won’t die on the street.

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