Men, what have you realized through experience or age is naive? Some of us would like to learn the the easier way, guidance is always appreciated

  1. Convincing other people to follow the same beliefs as you do. Just don’t expect people to have the same beliefs as you do. Just be the best person you can be.

  2. That things will just work out or fall into place.
    Got a square peg and a round hole? Better get your jig saw to make it work. Then get out sandpaper, primer and paint to make it look nice.

  3. Women aren’t sugar, spice and everything nice. They’re just people, equally capable of being decent to being degenerates.

  4. One big thing was holding onto grudges against parents or other adults. As you get older, you find yourself the same age they were when they had you and realize holy shit, they were just dumb ass kids fucking it up while they tried their best. Most of the time. I mean, if they were genuinely abusive then fuck them, but you get the point.

    After that, there’s a certain naïveté that I think is important to hold onto. So you don’t get too jaded and disaffected with life. Good doesn’t always win. People in charge don’t always care about anyone but themselves. People will hurt you and some won’t care. But it is so important to hold on to some of those beliefs. That may not actually be true. That good is powerful. That love wins. That everything works out for the best. That trying hard is usually enough. Because these are things worth believing in and ideals worth striving for. Naïve though they may be.

  5. Working hard will get you ahead. Working hard. Going the extra mile is almost never appreciated and people just expect it from then on.

  6. To be in a successful relationship you need to love each other.

    Love has nothing to do with a successful relationship. Trust, respect, honesty, and open communication will make a relationship successful.

  7. That the country I’m living in are the good guys. It doesn’t change the way I live but it improves my understanding of the world, and allows me to start thinking about the concept of good and bad from a different perspective. I feel like my own personal moral compass is getting more fine tuned every year I’m alive.

  8. Everyone gets cheated on. You’re not special. And life goes on. Keep moving forward.

  9. Kindness, whilst often described as a virtue, will usually get you anything but virtuous treatment in return.

  10. So many things.

    – Karma. It’s horseshit. Good people mostly die in abject poverty or as a direct result of their kindness while cunts live a life of luxury on towers they built on the backs of people they exploit

    – Lone Wolf Mentality. You’re not an alpha, you’re not a lone wolf. You’re an insecure white man with more testosterone than sense. Wolves are literally pack animals, they live and die by the pack. So are lions for that matter and you’re not one of those either!

    – Love at first sight. You don’t love them you wanna fuck them. You know nothing about them. They could be a.nazi or a cannibal or a child molester or team Edward! You don’t love someone you saw across the room and if you do you desperately need to talk to your therapist about emotional regulation issues.

    – There are no dragons. There are no final bosses or biggest moments or masked figures in dark cloaks whom you slay and then everything goes right and it’s happily ever after. Life is a million small battles in a war of attrition with a shitty world and losing one will set you back further than winning a hundred moved you forward. And then you die. Life would be simpler if there was a dragon to slay, but sadly, that is not our story

    – You’re not John Wick, McClean, or Rambo. You go to the range once a month at best, you slept on the couch last month and your back hurt for days, you can’t jog a mile without getting winded. If terrorists attack you’re gonna piss yourself and lay on the floor like the rest of us. You couldn’t walk off a gunshot or beat The Rock in a fistfight.

    – You can’t beat a chimp, a bear, a tiger, or probably a wolf in hand to hand combat.

    – “The Apocalypse” isn’t gonna be zombies. If it comes by a virus it’ll come like COVID but much worse and the same people with “Zombie Response Vehicle” on their cars will be the ones eating in restaurants spreading it to their friends and family getting everyone killed.

    – If you have more ammo than food or water in your house you’re not prepping for a disaster you’re prepping for a murder spree before you shit yourself to death from tainted water or die of an infected cut.

    – You’re right, you are a nice guy. But nice is literally the bare minimum, you need to bring something else to the table to be worth dating. What that is is up to you to figure out not some girl to discover.

    – Your vote does matter, but you’re probably woefully outnumbered. Still worth doing. Remember the lottery slogan, can’t win if you don’t play.

    I could keep ranting but honestly I gotta plug my phone in.

  11. If you really love her, never give up. Thanks, teenage romcoms from the 80s and 90s but, no.
    If she doesnt love you move on. If its one sided move on. Its unhealthy just find a girl who likes you.

  12. There’s someone for everybody. No. Sone people are destined to be alone for the rest of their life. Case in point, me.

  13. The idea that life is fair, and we should always do what makes us happy.

    Life isnt fair, its full of tradgedy but we dont need to make it hell.

    We are sold a fairtale as children.

    Mental and physical pain sucks but its nessisary, it can be used to fuel motivation and through overcomming these awful experiences we build wisdom and character.

    So instead of crying about todays problems we can say ” what can i learn from this experience”
    Have your cry but then wipe your self off and put your game face on, cause the world doesnt give a shit how you feel, these gears are turning with or without you.

  14. Hope. Hope is nice and all, but it is not a strategy that allows a directed future, not even for yourself. If you sabotage yourself today knowing that it will affect future goals of yours and then decide to just hope the consequences won’t affect you particularly – that’s naïve.

  15. To think everything is just going to work out.

    It won’t, if you don’t start planning for your future now you’ll most likely end up wasting away in some shitty apartment going to a shitty job for most of the second half of your life.

    Live for the moment by all means, but do it between 5pm Friday and 8pm Sunday, then put your big boy (or girl) pants on and go to work.

    Of course if you’re a smokin’ hot lady with questionable ethics, you may be able to bypass this system, but the rest of you should start getting your shit together.

  16. Believing in ideologies. capitalism, communism, socialism, femminism. Everything gets corrupted by humans.

  17. never have an opinion on something you dont know about. just cause everyone says something doesnt mean its true to you. who knows? you just might like country music, but you probably never tried it because everyone loves to hate on it

  18. Blindly trust authority. Too many people don’t question their bosses or doctors, etc. they just blindly trust what they say. This is why so many workplaces have issues because people just do what they are told and don’t stand up for themselves.

  19. Naive is believing that people will do the right thing and help others. There is a portion of the population that will, but I don’t see it as being very large, while a lot have an attitude of got mine, f*ck you.

    And I don’t count people who necessarily do good deeds with the promise of reward (religion). It may help some, but it comes off as making yourself look good within that community more than anything, like giving a homeless person food but recording the event for social media likes.

  20. OP, I’ve been thinking about this post a lot. I have some more I’d like to add. They may not fit the “Naive” scenario, but they’re just a handful of things I’ve found to be true.

    I recall a quote, which I think is from a Japanese admiral but honestly every quote reportedly is from a Japanese admiral: *”No battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy”*

    Basically, for all the planning you do, it rarely works out the way you intended. It’s an important lesson to be aware of the reality that you might need to change your approach on the fly. It’s also important to keep in mind because if a plan fails, you don’t want to panic. Now this doesn’t mean “don’t make plans”, you have to make plans. It’s just how you live. You have to make plans and you have to go ahead with those plans as if they’re the right thing to do. But as each plan fails, you’ll get better with your next ones. I’ve had so many plans fail in my life; plans that I thought were solid too. They failed miserably, but you learn to pivot.

    Similar to planning, your first budget will almost always fail. People think budgets fail because they misunderstand the use of money. I don’t find that to be true, I find that people’s budgets fail because they misunderstand themselves. They tend to exclude things from their budget that are regular purchases. For example, I don’t smoke or drink alcohol, but I do have a huge problem with Bang energy drinks. I buy two a day no matter what. It’s not an important thing to buy, and eventually I do need to quit, but in the mean time, including that $5.25 per day purchase in my budget is important if I’m planning on keeping the budget honest. If I don’t include it, I’m going to have a hard time understanding why I’m $157 short at the end of the month. You budget *everything* and then work on reducing your expenses.

    On the topic of expenses, and money. There are two ways for the common person to accumulate money: Labor and abstinence from spending. This seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people it’s not obvious to. If you want to make the most money, you essentially burn the candle from both sides. On the one side, you try to be successful in your chosen career path and make as much money as you can **within reason (don’t kill yourself trying to make an extra penny)**, and on the other side you don’t spend that earned money on dumb shit. If you keep this theme your whole life, you’ll be in good hands.

  21. Caring about Causes and Movements and Justice and The World.

    Most anything international and large scale isn’t worth thinking about, my neighbors are. Henry Kissinger, whatever you think of him, has spent decades trying to solve Israel/Palestine. It isnt. I doubt my much-dumber-than-Henry-Kissinger opinion will tip the scales, so I don’t care.

    You don’t have to care about everything. You don’t have to have an opinion on everything. “I dunno” and “I don’t care” are perfectly valid responses.

  22. The general idea of changing someone’s mind.

    When someone is actively looking for data, sure, that’s possible. When someone expresses an opinion contrary to what you know to be true it is a very rare thing to have a fully open conversation which results in one of the two of you coming out on the back end with a different point of view.

    Also: Believing what you read on the internet, see on the news, hear from friends…everything has a bias. the best you can do is filter by what you know, be open to changing that filter regularly, making the best judgment you can.

  23. A happy lifelong marriage.

    Or a lifelong monogamous co-habitation relationship.

    Sure, I suppose that is possible, but what happens when the guy is exotic with his half Anglo-Saxon, half full Japanese blood, hot, handsome 6’5” and often wears shoes that get him up to 6’9”, broad-shouldered, got a lean, fit body like Neymar Junior, got a thick 8.5 cock, and knows how to use it, no refractory period which means he can fuck all day long without stopping and there are hot women who want to fuck him and even the women who are slaves to Sharia Law but happen to live in the same residential building, and catholic nuns living with their parents, want to fuck him?

    How does a guy like that stay loyal to his main squeeze even she’s really a wonderful woman?

  24. Taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life is a surefire way to get yourself constantly depressed.

    You’re gonna lose a job, break up, people in your life will move away and even die…

    Most of the time, these things will have nothing to do with anything you did or didn’t do.

    The only thing you can do is get up the next day and confront the situations life throws your way to the best extent that you can.

    You can’t control most things, so stay in your lane and don’t try to.

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