I want to be in love.

I really want to be in love. But not the normal kind, but the kind that people make art about. I want to have the sort of love that’s written about in songs, in poetry, on walls and in media like video games or anime. The love I want is intimate, precious, irreplaceable. It’s such a beautiful thing and I crave it so much, but I don’t know how, or where to find that kind of love at my age. Everybody my age just seems to be more interested in making TikTok’s or underage drinking. I understand that I am too young for this and that I should work on myself, but this just always keeps me up at night with fantasies of intimate dates, cuddles, and kisses. I just wish I could meet a girl my age that shares my wishes of intimacy and romance, I just know I am not the only person my age that feels this way. I just cannot meet anyone that shares my views on love because my interests are male dominated or solo interests, and I go to a small high school where everybody knows everybody. I just do not know what to do, I am tired of being sad because I can’t find love. I am trying to better myself by working out and trying to talk to people. But I just cannot grab the courage to go and talk to girls. The few that I know and actually talk to I either see as friends or have already tried to date and have been rejected. I try to meet new people, but I always brick up and cannot talk to them or do not talk much because I am a massive introvert. I am said to be hard to talk to, but I just cannot help it, I do not want to embarrass myself again because of really stupid things I did when I was younger that ruined my reputation among girls at my school. I just still want to find someone to love me, but I just struggle to find someone and talk to them. I just do not know what to do.

TL: DR. I want intimate love, but I just cannot meet anyone my age that is interested. I know I am too young to be thinking about this, but romantic fantasies keep me up at night and it makes me sad. I try to meet people, but I am super introverted and shy, but I still want someone to love me.

  1. that’s an issue dude because Love in anime or media in general only shows you the pros really never the cons

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