Men how did you improve your quality of life for the better?

  1. Set goals for yourself. Make a plan, work the plan, evaluate progress, adjust the plan, work the plan, repeat….

    Always have a month, yearly and 5 year horizon documented

    Keep a journal.

    Aim high, work hard, never give up

  2. I have a history of shaky eating, falling for elimination diets and even consuming too much coffee, energy drinks and beer.

    Incorporating a lot more fiber has been huge for my overall well being. If I just take care of that, everything in my life gets better from energy in the gym to mental focus to binge control

    Even though I fully support the idea of fasting, I’ve even stopped that because I don’t feel like it’s good for my relationship with food at the moment. I’m sure I’ll get back into it eventually, but for now I’m just working on consistency and moderation

  3. Don’t ignore redflags at the beginning of relationships. Ignoring them can Fuck your shit up down the line.

  4. I’m 42 and JUST started going to the gym every weekday from 5:30am to 6:30am. Have a buddy from work showing me the ropes. I’ve never felt so good in my life. Always hated “jocks” and only ever long distance ran before for a few years. Lifting weights is all that its cracked up to be.

    Sleeping better, eating better, feeling better.


    Was divorced 2 years ago. Probably should have never married her but I did.

    *side note have more in common with a wife than just wanting to have a family. Because if it turns out she can’t have kids you aint left with much. She left me btw. After just gaslighting me and making me feel like I was the problem. I mean we were both to blame but yo only women, children and dogs get unconditional love in this world. The sooner you figure that out the better.

  5. Become good at your job. Regardless of what it is. Contractor? Cook? IT? Do your best at whatever it is. Really focus on quality.

    Exercise, is a very common answer, for a reason. Do it. Start small. Do two sets of push-ups everyday if that’s all you can do. Just push yourself to increase the reps over time. Feel like you can’t do one more? Do one more.

    Make your bed every morning. Just doing that small thing every morning will help you on your way to better habits.

    Drink water. If this is hard for you, just intertwine it into your schedule. Wake up, drink water. Break time? Drink water. Etc etc. Its surprising how much being hydrated effects your mental health.

  6. Got divorced, found a great woman, quit my job to work a more normal shift job, just smelling the roses now

  7. I started prioritizing things in my life I viewed as the infrastructure. Working out, eating well, taking care of my properties and cars and such. Focusing on my businesses. When I stopped focusing on one off social events and the need to go out and do something all the time my life improved ten fold.

  8. One thing that worked for me is setting small, achievable goals each day. This could be something as simple as going for a walk. By setting these small goals, I’m able to see progress and feel a sense of accomplishment regularly.

    Another thing is mindfulness: This could be via meditation, or simply focusing for a few minutes on the present moment each day. When we quiet our minds, we’re better able to prioritize what’s important and make more thoughtful decisions.

  9. Sounds cheesy, but started living in the moment. Having goals in life is all fine and dandy, but that shit creeps up on you and before you realize you have lived in misery for ten years just thinking “sure, life sucks now, but when I get X it’ll all be worth it”.

  10. The past 10 years or so I started prioritizing comfort over EVERYTHING. I don’t care what people think, I don’t care if it looks stupid, if it’s comfortable, I do it.

    For example, I’m sitting in a gravity chair right now typing this, I’m reclined maybe 130 degrees, legs stretched out, and comfortable as can be. The canvas I’m on is breathable and hangs by elastics on the sides like a hammock, so it’s very flexible and gentle.

    I’m wearing an adult onesie from thick, soft fleece. Snuggly, incredibly warm. Looks sort of like a jumpsuit from a distance, if you don’t look too closely and realize there’s a zip-up buttflap.

    I started wearing hats, ones with a brim, especially in summer. Got a nice Panama hat for the summer that is breathable and makes a ton of shade, and it makes such a huge difference for my big bald head, even compared to a baseball cap, the difference is like night and day. I used to hate wearing hats of any kind, now I can’t imagine going outside in the dead of summer without one, I can feel my skin starting to cook.

    And so on. Basically, if it’s comfortable, I do it. Going hiking? Wear a kilt! You’d think there’s not a huge difference between a nice pair of shorts and a kilt, but there is. I used to wear nice thin breathable Columbia shorts, now it’s a SportsKilt hiking kilt, and it’s a whole other ball game. Microfiber, light, breathable, quick drying, elastic waist, velcro closure, feels like you’re only wearing a belt and the movement is unrestricted.

    Stuff like that, good mattress, good pillow, good shoes. Basically don’t cheap on on anything that goes between you and the ground. And go from there.

  11. I started getting up at 4am. Then 3:30 am. Now 3am. I do yoga for 15 to 30 minutes, then lift weights for 1.5 hours. Before I go to work. I don’t touch my phone until I’m done lifting weights. Doing this allows me to have the power to control the beginning of my day and focus on my life and goals before dragging my ass into work where I’m building someone else’s dream. In a sense, it is putting yourself first. The other thing I now do is focus on doing things with purpose. Ask yourself why you do it. If it doesn’t push towards a goal, don’t do it.

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