When people talk about solution for getting absolutely no dates, its always “go out” and “touch grass”. I personally do that a lot, and to no results, no opportunities to at least start a small talk with any women. When i take my usual walks around parks or go and ride public transport (i do that often just to practice drawing people) everyone i see is either trying to get somewhere quickly (so no chance to start a conversation) or not in my age group (because old people are the only ones i see just walking, not going anywhere). The obvious solution is to try to find someone in places like uni, but i go to technical university, which means that there are mostly men, and the handful of women that are there are already taken.

I am out of ideas and need some help with that, maybe you know something i dont, maybe im touching wrong grass or something

  1. So when you go out, how often are you going to places where other people go to be social? Not just bars or clubs but other events?

  2. Bars & tinder. Chatting up a stranger anywhere else is pua scuzzball vibes. You dont meet people by just walking around. Even in college that shit was awkward and forced.

    Social events, concerts, etc. Even then it needs to be organic. Go there to be involved, to be enriched, and to contribute, not to pluck some girl out.

    If you’re looking for a hook up, hit your downtown bars over the weekend. If you want a relationship, throw yourself into a community based around your interests and get to know the people. Eventually, you may hit it off with someone. Or you may not and die alone.

    use tinder in the meanwhile, you’ll find all types for all wants

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