I used to play a fairly high level of sport all the way up to the college level and stopped in 2018 once I graduated. Since then, I have still felt the same amount of hunger despite not expending as mamy calories, which makes it hard to try and adjust to a lower calorie intake. I have tried different things like intermittent fasting, larger less frequent meals, smaller more frequent meals/snacks, etc., and it seems that I don’t feel satiated and just end up eating the same after a few weeks.

I am still somewhat active, so I haven’t gained an agregious amount of weight, but even still would like to hear what others have had success for resolving similar issues.

As much as I would like to be more active and hit the gym, between the day job, side hustle, and young family I don’t really have the time right now to do so, so the “just be more active again” resolution is one for further down the road

  1. I was a baseball player and I was very skinny then even though I ate like a pig and drank alcohol a lot. Now I’m almost 40 and I’m somewhat fat more because I can’t eat just one potato chip. Eat healthy filling foods and cut out the sugar and fat

  2. I didn’t need to at first because I kept up the active lifestyle so I continued to burn the calories for the most part.

    It wasn’t until I went from a very physically demanding job to a much less physically demanding job that it became a problem.

    At first I just started out cutting out eating lunch at work. I was eating on lunch breaks more out of habit than anything. So it was no big deal for me to stop doing it.

    Eventually I cut out eating after work. That was really no hardship for me as after a couple of weeks I wasn’t “hungry” after work and if I was, it was no big deal because I was sleeping.

    So now I get my daily caloric intake at the meal I eat before work. And I would rather eat before work, and be able to function at work, than to spend half the day distracted by hunger waiting on my dinner after work.

  3. I started eating slightly smaller meals and over the course of a few months I found that I was less hungry and it took less to fill me up, if I do find myself hungry during the day I eat an apple or other fruit/ vegetables to tide me over till the next meal

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