I recently ordered a large, metal hoop for aerial/acrobatics training from a smith overseas. These pieces are large and heavy and need to be made specifically to my body size so this is a custom piece. It arrived the other day and when I unwrapped it I noticed it did not match what I had ordered. When I checked my email I saw a message from the seller explaining that they had mixed up some shipping addresses and sent me someone else’s order (also here in US like me). They asked me to simply forward the package to the correct address and they would cover the shipping costs. Unfortunately I had already opened the package in my excitement. I have done my best to repackage the pieces with care as I would want someone to do if it were my item. But it has clearly been opened and re-packaged.

I thought it would be polite to include a hand-written note explaining the re-packaging and wishing the recipient well in their aerial endeavors, but my partner says that’s a bad idea. They say that the recipient would just feel even worse hearing that someone had handled their things and to just let the seller deal with it. What do you think?

  1. I would say write the note. It doesn’t seem like something intimate like underwear or something so it isn’t weird that you touched it. And it’s someone with a shared hobby/interest 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. I wouldn’t include a note and its a bit presumptuous and incredulous for the seller to ask you to do their job.

    They need to contact the buyer and explain the situation and ensure the buyer receives his order.

  3. Nah, just have them buy the label and you print and ship it. No need for a note. The other person may have already gotten an email.

  4. I wouldn’t. If I received a package, especially from overseas, that had clearly been opened and resealed, I would assume that customs had opened it and not be concerned at all.

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