Today is one of those days where I am like “f it I am out”. How annoying is it when you have a bad week and your spouse is like “get over it, it’s been long enough”? Oh okay you can have all the time needed to work through whatever you want but me I have a clock. I am just tired. We all deserve partners that meet the basic needs we have. End of rant.

  1. I mean you deserve sympathy and support yes. But also the scale of the upset has to equal the scale of the offense.

    Laid off? Yeah that’s going to take a minute to get over.

    Someone stole the last bag of chips at the company cafeteria? Yeah gripe for a day but move on.


    Is the problem you’re not feeling supported? or that you’re not feeling supported as long as you want?

  2. Your spouse needs to be able to hear your feelings and you theirs. You should be able to vent about things to each other without the other one trying to fix it for you. You do have to be able to tell each other if you are in a head space to be able to hear the other spouse vent. Talk about this with your spouse and figure out how to support each other. Best wishes

  3. say this, ” yes i will get over it, but right now i am just venting, listen to me, dont fix or criticize me

  4. I think you should be able to rant and vent. Sometimes just for our spouse to listen. My husband will rant alot to me and vent but sometimes when I need I go into it and I get interrupted and I just what to just say what I need to and move on. I dont want things fixed because they can’t I just need to let it out and move on.
    Does she do this to you often? Maybe she had a bad day?

  5. IF you are putting more energy and focus into the venting then HIM, and your relationship together, that might be why hes done with listening to your complaining. If thats not it, then sorry, you have every right to vent

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