Other gay guys, how would you tell a woman that you’re not into them?

  1. Why are you only asking gay guys?

    It doesn’t take being gay to know the answer to this. Just say, “I’m flattered, but I’m actually gay.”

  2. Quote the gay pretty boy I met a few years back in Berlin: “Eeeew, no!”

    The guy was hilarious and even charming or funny when honest šŸ˜‚

  3. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ saying ā€œIā€™m not into womenā€ doesnā€™t work?

    But usually you should be able to just say Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not interested thank you anyway or something like that and that should work.

    Are you finding that women are not respecting that?

  4. I just thank them and say I’m not interested.

    I personally don’t feel the need to explain my sexuality as it’s irrelevant. Essentially treating them exactly the same way I’d tell a gay guy or straight guy I’m not into them.

  5. If you’re open about your sexuality, then telling them you’re gay is probably the most polite way to reject anyone. If you are not prepared to be open about your sexuality, then what relevance does your sexuality have at all? You would reject them in the same way you reject a man, or a hetero man rejects a woman, or a hetero woman rejects a man.

  6. Is the woman a total stranger I’m never going to see again, or someone who’s regularly in my life like an acquaintance?

    In the case of the former, just a “sorry, not interested.” And in the latter, “maybe in another life but I’m gay.”

  7. There’s no perfect way. Normal people will understand and accept a simple “thanks but I’m gay/have a boyfriend” but crazy ones will take it as an insulting rebuff or worse, try to be the one who makes you straight.

  8. Not gay, but just be honest and respectful. Just tell them itā€™s not them itā€™s just that you arenā€™t interested despite them being a nice person.

    If that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™ve read you should spray them with water and say ā€œbad pussy, bad pussyā€. I donā€™t know I donā€™t get asked out a lot..

  9. ā€œSorry, Iā€™m not intoā€¦ youā€¦ like thatā€

    You donā€™t have to be gay to not be interested

  10. I’ve been in this situation before and it honestly depends on the woman. I wasn’t comfortable telling her I was Gay because of where I worked. Being gay would’ve gotten me fired in short order so I had to keep it quiet. My way of doing to was to make her think I was into other things to the exclusion of dating. Whether it’s D&D or World of Warcraft or any other game/sport/hobby it’ll lend creedence to the fact that us guys are immature and don’t want to date and just play games while saving her any emaresment of humiliation from rejection. They keep talking about fragile male egos but when a woman is scorned hell hath no fury remember? My best advice is to defelct and not engage directly. If you tell her your gay she may pull the “how do you know if you’ve never been with a woman” and then try to unzip your pants and blow you, yes that happened to me AT a gay bar. She was drunk, horny and attracted to me and the rest of the guys thought it was hilarious and kept egging her on.

    I’m no Adonis by any means but at 6’3 blonde hair, blue eyes and decent dad bod I have been given some looks by women before so If they’re in a job setting or a proffesional eviroment where telling her your gay would cause problems then deflect, don’t try the I have a GF routine because that means she can try to steal you away and women love a challenge but if you come accross as some sort of immature man-child she’ll leave you alone. This method saved my career during the Don’t Ask, Don’t tell era of the NAVY so I know it works.

  11. I went on a bachelor party where one of the guys was bi. Whenever he was approached by a girl he wasn’t into, he immediately switched into the flamboyant gay voice. The girls weren’t upset, and we thought it was hilarious.

  12. Not gay but I’d like to propose that you hit them with a classic *”i hAvE a bOyFrIeNd”*

  13. A simple ā€œfuck offā€ would be a socially accepted response from a gay women to a straight guy so Iā€™d go with that

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