This is the place to put any shower thoughts, your complaints/rants about dating, ask for quick advice, serious and (sometimes not) questions and anything else that might not warrant a post of its own.

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  1. I reactivated tinder and bumble at the end of December after 2 years. It’s been a month and 4 out of 5 guys rejected me after the first date. 1 I rejected because he was not safe and had police officers as visitors quite a few times.

    It’s really demoralizing and quite frankly, depressing.

  2. Just wondering, how do most people here use their dating apps? I suspect that many just use the apps when they got down time and only respond when they got down time again. So like, lower in their priority of what to do in their day to day. Or, I’m just shit at conversations or something… I don’t know….

  3. Been separated from my Ex now for 7 months and have been living in the same house. In a few week i will be finally in my own place. It’s took this long because we are/were in a complicated situation

    I’m really fight the urge to set up an OLD profile.

  4. Rant: The Lyft driver I met a few months ago and started dating ghosted me after I told him I want a relationship that makes me feel safe, secure, and provides me with a loving family. Oh well! I don’t regret it. I basically told him that because my needs weren’t getting met and I needed him to step it up. He wasn’t ready or didn’t want to…and that’s fine. He still follows me on social media, which feels kinda cringe.

    Rave: New Bagel I met on CMB seems promising. He is a regular communicator on the app. Seems like a good guy. I think if we continue on the app for a while, I’ll post him in the Are We Dating the Same Guy group to see what happens. Like 2 weeks in and he’s not pushing for my number or doing anything inappropriate. He may actually restore my faith in the male gender.

  5. I stumbled upon a reddit post where a mid 30’s guy was complaining/venting that he hasn’t had a girlfriend and someone commented how lucky he is to not have had drama or bad break ups.

    Like how does anyone think telling someone that helps them feel or do better. It’s like a lottery winner telling a poor person that they should be grateful to not have to pay all this income tax from the winnings.

  6. I’ve been having a series of pretty meh conversations on OLD, and I can’t tell if I’m just not hitting a rhythm or if we aren’t vibing. I have the feeling that a lot of the people I’m talking to would rather just chat briefly and then meet in person, but I’m kinda slow to warm up, and would rather see if we vibe with some fun/interesting conversation before committing to coffee/drinks/whatever. My experience tells me that when the OL chat isn’t great, the in-person convos tend to also feel somewhat forced.

    Frustrating because I feel pressured to make the move to offline before I’m ready to, but the alternative feels like very one sided conversations that eventually fizzles out. Is it weird that I like to get to know people online for a bit?

  7. I’m away for work and my partner let me know before leaving it was going to be tough for them. Since I left, I tried to let them know they are a priority by calling and texting more, but they haven’t been responsive. I’m frustrated but I decided to not waste anymore energy on them and to focus on work. I tried my best y’all.

  8. I feel at the end of my rope. I don’t think I can date anymore. I can’t handle the emotional roller coaster. But last time I got to this place I became single for many years. Do I persevere and keep trying to date? Or do I just stop and accept that it may mean years of being single? (I am in therapy btw and am trying to make dating a more fun positive experience).

  9. If you’re not exclusive and see the person you’re with on a date with someone else (like actually out in public by pure dumb luck), how does that make you feel?

    It happened to me a couple months ago and made me feel incredibly anxious and insecure. I was wondering how others would handle it.

  10. A shower thought I had yesterday: I’m in the minority when it comes to height preference. I prefer a guy to be under 6′. I’m 5’2, and I struggle to emotionally/physically connect with tall guys.

    It could be psychological, in that I feel slightly threatened in their presence. I don’t know. I just prefer and am more attracted to men that are closer to my field of vision. The sex is usually better, too.

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