I just want to know how your life has changed for being intentional about your everyday life just for you.

I have being working on myself about some months ago and I can’t believe why I didn’t start earlier.

I just want to hear how other people are changing themselves for themselves as well. I mean your journey on self improvement.

  1. A little while back, I broke off a bad engagement for a multitude of reasons and it was kind of messy, and kind of broke me emotionally. So I decided to take time to focus on myself.

    I realized that I was so invested in the relationship and school/my career, that I had forgone a lot of my hobbies, interests, friends, and self-care behaviors to the point it was almost like I didn’t recognize the person looking back in the mirrior (physicslly and metaphorically).

    As an example, in my early 20s, working out, powerlifting, and golf were hughe passions of mine. I worked out religiously and spent many hours working on my fitness to get to where I wanted to be physically and I played golf at a semi-competitive level and I was very proud and invested in those things.

    After getting serious with the relationship and starting grad school on top of working full-time, I almost completely stopped working out, and played golf maybe once a month. At my powerlifting peak, I weighed in at roughly 195 at between 12%-14% body fat and that was physically a very healthy place for me.

    Shortly after the breakup and working a job that I worked 70+ hours some weeks and eating only once a day, I remember getting on the scale and seeing 148 pop up. I haven’t wait that little since I was probably 13 and I looked like a shell of myself and it put a lot of things in perspective and realized how bad of a place I was in.

    Soon after, I left my job for a position that gave me more work life balance (ended up paying more and still in that role), started going back to the gym, doing the things that I loved on my own schedule, buy thing that I wanted to buy without asking permission, connect with my old friends again and make new ones, and took time to actually enjoy life on my own.

    Making those changes were the best thing j could’ve done and it made me thankful that I had the opportunity to be in a situation where I could care about myself.

    I’m still trying to get better every day and I’m not where I want to be yet, or ready to bring somone else into my life, but I feel the best I ever have.

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