My boyfriend and I have been friends for about six years and have been together for two. We’ve always liked each other but we’ve never really confessed till I was at a football game and we coincidentally saw each other and later on confessed. Our relationship was amazing at first but later on he’d ignore me a lot for his friends which caused the fall due to lack of communication. That wasn’t the only problem though, since the beginning my boyfriends mom and sister have never liked me. They’d always make side comments about my upbringing I’m Mexican and they’re also Mexican but white Mexicans. Due to my upbringing of being a first generation American here they didn’t really like me due to my lack of “class”. His mom wanted him to get with a Christian white girl which I am the opposite of primary she wanted a white girl for her son. I’d never feel welcomed with them only his father who always made me feel included. My boyfriend would never defend me which led to me getting mad at him a lot. I was extremely depressed because of how insecure they made me feel causing me to lash out on my boyfriend but we’d always get over an argument even if our relationship was toxic. On our anniversary though is when I kinda snapped. We went out to eat and it was going very well. He invited me to his aunt house and when his sister found out about this she humiliated me. She said she didn’t want me coming since I was a waste and I shouldn’t even be with her brother. No one really said anything but we all did end up going but it was so tense ruining our anniversary. We ended breaking up a week later because of her since she told him I cheated on him even though I didn’t. I was so depressed but eventually I got through. Two month later aka this December because we broke up in October we spoke and we both had feelings. The problem is that his whole family thinks I cheated on him so we can’t hang out at all without him getting in trouble. We’ve been secretly dating for almost two months now I don’t know when I’ll see him outside of school. Also my boyfriend isn’t keeping me a secret because all our friends know we are together we’re just hiding it from his sister since she goes to our school. We almost got caught since his sister saw me ware his hoodie and snitched on him. He got in trouble for it. We are doing so much better than how we were back then but the thing is I don’t know if I should stay with him anymore because of his family. I love him to death but it’s draining getting the same dirty looks from his sister or just not seeing him as often when we were together. I miss seeing him so much but I don’t know if I could handle seeing him for a little every day compare to going out with him. I’m trying to figure out plans to secretly see each other too but I don’t know what to to do. Should I stay or open up or leave??

1 comment
  1. So, the hard thing with your situation is that it’s probably never going away. 😕 I’m not telling you to break up with him, because that’s something you have to decide, but you need to think about whether or not it’s in your best interests to go on like this. I get that you love him, but you there are a LOT of people in this world that you could love; this guy isn’t your only chance at love. Imagine if you stay together and get married, and have kids together; the situation will most likely get WORSE. Can you handle that?

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