How do i respond POLITELY without being rude when I dont want to tell them how much it cost? I shouldnt care if I tell them how much it cost but I just dont want to have to explain myself why i paid for something that i bought with my own money and not theirs.

Long story short i had an incident where i gifted my sister a $150 handbag and one of the friend ask how much it was and i told her the price and her reply was “Pft! thats too expensive. Its not even leather” with a disapproving look. I had to explain myself why i got that for her and she kept saying its way too expensive.

  1. It depends on the person but I generally ask a question back. “Why do you want one?” “How much do you think I paid?” Or even just laughing and saying that’s rude to ask the cost.

  2. I’d just say I forgot exactly and would need to refer back to the receipt, then maybe ask why/if they were interested in getting the same item.

    If they made similar purchases before or items of similar category, ask them about those instead. Divert conversation to their purchases and show interest, maybe not in the prices though.

  3. Here’s the thing. Your real issue here is not the question itself, but the rude idiot who asked. You don’t have to explain or justify why you paid how much you paid, just because someone wouldn’t stfu about their opinion on the price. You can brush it off “You think so? Don’t buy it yourself then.” Or just a simple “Ok.” will do.

    In general you don’t have to explain or justify your decisions to ANYONE, especially to someone with a nasty atitude, if you don’t want to.

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