So long story short, I met this girl in a dating app back in December, at first it was all good and we texted every day

We definitely moved fast and we’re already calling each other babe by the 3rd weeks, we met in person 3 weeks after texting/calling, when out on 3 to 4 dates and everything was going well

Last weekend she invited me to meet her friends, we all met at a bar and drank together, everything was good, I got the feeling her friends liked me, the vibe was overall pretty good between the two of us. We ended up going to different bar just me and her and in my drunk stage I decided to just ask her to be my girlfriend, and said that I loved her which is my opinion was too fast since I’ve only known her for 1 month. It was mostly that I loved the idea of being with her or lust,

That night ended with me sleeping over her place and us hanging out together the next day watching movies, I told her that I was drunk but did mean what I said and it was okay if she didn’t feel the same way that she could tell me.

But she said she was happy and that she loved me back, fast forward 3 days later and once we hung out again and I noticed she’s different with me, I asked her was wrong and she pretty much said she needs her space and that she feels we rushed into things and she ended things saying she can’t can’t date anyone right now and needs to focus on herself.

So yeah we pretty much broke up after 3 days

But idk now i’m kinda hurt and i feel like she kinda lead me on cause she was showing the same affection all until I asked her to be my girlfriend

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