My partner and I was going to have sex for the first time last Thursday. Would have been the first time for me in a while. We were not using a condom, and she was not particularly wet, I ended up putting it in, but due to lack of wetness, we finished after a few minutes. The following day while showering I noticed my glans had become red, and after that point I felt a slight itch there (might have been placebo as I was not feeling it prior to that). We started looking on the internet, and one of the local websites recommended applying marigold lotion. I applied 3-4 times per day since then, and it had gotten better, but yesterday still felt sensitive so we decided not to go for it.
She is using intimate gel during showers, to keep herself clean – is it possible that this was an allergic reaction? We are quite worried as the website said it would be over by now. Or maybe it was just irritation, due to lack of wetness? Next time we agreed to use lubricant, but I am concerned this might be something else, so would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions for this problem.

Thanks in advance!

  1. If you’re a person with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, before using any lube, try a small amount on your wrist. Rub it in and let it dry. Then wash away. Wait 24 hours to see if you react to any ingredients. She shouldn’t be using anything internally in the vagina itself. The vagina is self-cleaning. Repeat the test on your wrist with her cleanser to see if you react. A reaction to vaginal secretions is incredibly rare. It’s also unlikely you showed visible symptoms due to yeast or bacteria in 24 hours.

    What I suspect is that the skin was irritated due to friction and that soap in a warm to hot shower exacerbated it.

    Most skin irritations self resolve. Putting anything you’ve never used before risks more unpleasant reactions.

    The only way to rule out anything else is to both get full STI panels.

    My go-to for patients with dry or sensitive skin is CeraVe. Soaps are incredibly harsh.

    Hope you’re feeling better as soon as possible.

  2. look brother use white vinegar with water and wash your penis white vinegar kills bacteria and infections but remember the mixture of water and vinegar must contain more vinegar and you can heat the mixture a little and apply it to yourself

  3. Most likely just irritation due to dryness, get some lube (water based if you’re using condoms).

    Could be thrush especially if she has any itching but probably just irritation.

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