This is my first “real” relationship. And I really do like him! I just don’t know how to give out complements. I usually just go with the handsome card but I feel like I’ve been over using it.

Edit! Looking for more wholesome things pls and thank you lol

  1. Call him a rambunctious but supple pillar to the intimacy of the relationship.

    Then on the other side of the card, draw a portrait of him to show him how much you care.

  2. Just compliment literally any quality about him that you like besides his looks. It can’t be that hard to sit and make a list of his good (non-physical) qualities, right?

  3. I tell mine he looks nice in that color (blue) when he wears it, and compliment him on how he handles work issues. He’s also extremely patient so when he’s ranting about something or someone, I try and throw that into my words of validation after the rant is over.

    Hope this helps 🫶🏻

  4. just tell him “every time I poop I think of you”. He’ll absolutely love it

  5. i am a woman but just got out of a 6 year relationship that was quite wholesome.

    from my experience, men also enjoy being called beautiful. if you’re talking about physical traits, i think calling them out specifically is always an ego boost. like if you’re hooking up (or not) touch a body part and say “i love your XYZ”. my ex was really proud of his quads and i knew that so when we would drive i would often grab and compliment them. when walking, i would hold his arm and compliment his strength there too. i loved his face so i would tell him what i loved about it (the color of his eyes in the sun, the shape of his nose, the softness of his lips). anything that you would enjoy being complimented on, men do too

    for non physical things, i think in the moment you notice the traits are the best time to compliment them on it. if he says a funny joke, tell him how funny you think he is. if he’s romantic, tell him how much you appreciate and enjoy the effort he puts into you. if he makes you happy, tell him that!

    my relationship was very wholesome and complimentary – i would make a point to tell him everytime i felt love/like for something he was or did. anytime you feel yourself liking him more, tell him! people are so beautiful and love being told it – tell him all of the time!

  6. Maybe put some effort into observing what you really do like about him. It will personalize the compliments and be genuine. Try to pay compliments you actually mean instead of saying things that you think will help you keep him. Be real always

  7. Female. I like to tell mine how much I love his smile or how safe I feel in his nice, strong arms (arms are my favorite part on a man, and he knows they make me melt). I tell him how cute he is when he does this scrunchy thing with his nose or how hearing him sing or even the sound of his voice makes my day better. He gets the dirty compliments, too, but mostly, as long as you are sincere and specific, that is all that matters.

  8. “I love the way you ________”.

    “You’re so good at _________.”

    “That was a very clever idea! You’re so smart!”

    Fill in the blanks with something he did.

  9. You just say what you like or appreciate about him. Don’t just say things for the sake of saying them. It’s insincere.

  10. If he’s strong or muscular,

    “I *love* your muscles! They’re just so strong and squishy!”

    Another one could be,

    “I love how hard you work!” or something like that.

  11. Pick up a stud finder at a hardware store.

    Point it at him and make beeping sounds like it’s going crazy from how studly he is.

  12. Since you really like him, you could put into words what he makes you feel like I guess.

  13. Don’t say it, do it. Words are cheap. If you want him to know how attracted you are to him; do something physical.

    Be close to him.
    Hold onto him.
    Maintain as much physical contact with him as possible.

    Don’t just say you can’t keep your hands off him, show him how much you want to have your hands on him:

  14. My advice is to have no filter.

    What I mean is, if you think something about him that’s positive, just blurt it out. Shirt looks nice. I love your smile. Hugs are amazing. Etc…

    But also don’t forget non-verbal. If he’s concentrating doing something, just give him a peck on the cheek. Hug him from behind. Bury yourself in him when you’re both relaxing. Just do things that tell him you love him.

  15. Be honest, I can remember almost every complement I’ve ever had. I like your jacket or shirt, I like your hair (maybe include details), if he works out make sure to give a real complement about a part of his body. You can almost not go wrong unless he has a super low self esteem or you give a fake complement.

  16. Show this post. Could be the best compliment ever. You want to compliment so many things about a person that you are looking for things to say to him.

  17. Sometimes a swat on the ass and a “You’re so hot” will keep us in a high for a week.

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