I feel as recently I’ve been overthinking too much that my friends truly don’t like and that no one really does like me. I feel so outside of my friends life’s and that they don’t like me as much anymore and they don’t know how to tell me. Also how can stop overthinking so much shit in my life cause I feel that i overtaking so much that it’s destroying me.

  1. Honestly very few people youll meet in life even think about you enough to dislike you or be fake, nobody cares that much about other people they are all wrapped up as the hero of their own story.

  2. Nobody really ever likes “you”…because its impossible to get to know the real “you”. What you show people is really a subset of you that you were able to communicate through action and word. They then contextualize this subset through their own biases as they observe. And create a model of you in their head.

    They then get to choose whether or not to continue hanging out with this model. If they are…they’re *choosing* you. And if they’re choosing you…it becomes a little narcissistic for you to argue from *your* model of *them* whether they’re being honest or not.

    Thats their choice.

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