Men, has any of you learned to flirt and seduce in your adult life? if so, how?

  1. This barely answers your question, but one of the keys to being successful at flirting is to be outcome independent. Women can smell desperation on the other side of the earth. If your little comment, joke, or smile is done without any expectation of gaining her favor, she is much more likely to flirt back.

  2. life is an ongoing process and each woman is different – the way you dated at 20 is MUCH different than 40 – and certainly 50

  3. I was once like you, a failure, unable to find himself a date even if my life depended on it, at least until i found this video [How to date as an ugly man](, after i found that guide and applied its instructions i became the envy of everyone around me, right now i’m trying to figure out a way to stop seducing people.

  4. It isn’t that simple, there is no one way to flirt, however usually the common denominator is to make them laugh, so being able to poke fun at yourself, her, and others(within reason don’t be a dick). But that’s again easier said than done, you can’t just go online read something and become flirting Jesus. You can really only get better with experience

  5. Flirting is just being witty and clever. Some are born with the gift of gab and for most of us it’s a skill that can be learned.

    I used to have a bad studder but I am still able to hold a convo with women. Couple tips

    Less is always more, the less being said is a lot better than saying a lot of non sense. Saying less will also make you seem mysterious.

    Reading the room is key, if the convo is not sexual don’t bring up sexual stuff. Matching her energy is key to flirting successfully.

    focus on her non verbal cues. The things not said are more important than what ever she said. Women tend to say one thing and do another

    Finally, first impressions are key, learn to dress and smell nice. If you got toys ie nice car, use em

    They are confidence boosters and will literally put you in the drivers seat without much effort

    Practice makes perfect

  6. Step 1: Don’t TRY to flirt

    Step 2: Find something about them to be genuinely happy for them about it. It will break the ice. And if it fails, you’ll have made a friend.

    Step 3: Now that you’ve made a new friend, ask Reddit about how to escape the friendzone. It can be done.

  7. I ve learnt nothing. I’m with my partner for almost 6 yrs now. But when I look at at my dates or relationship. I can tell u now, I dont know how to teach someone to flirt or seduce.
    Whether I can or can’t do it, I have no idea? Maybe confidence just leads to naturally being flirty and seductive?
    It always gets me how ppl have pick up lines. I have none 😂

    my go to, is just go with the flow.. no matter how hard u try, sometimes things don’t go ur way. so improvise and actually listen and how she reciprocates.

  8. Not really. It’s more in the lines of being upfront and direct. If she ain’t interested, then she should use her own words and not fucking say ‘take the hint’. bullshit.

  9. I mean you make some remarks with them when it’s possible based on the conversation. If they feel uncomfortable then it’s a no go. It’s game of tug and war

  10. Start with hello, and then her name. I practice on waitresses, janitors, retail people in non-creepy ways. Always get everyone’s names and say hi. People really appreciate it.

    Also it gives you an air of being liked to others around you. I work at a big fancy tech company, I am probably the only one who talks to the janitors and my coworkers are shocked I know the names of all the cooks.

    That way when you find a woman you want, it comes off naturally.

    Step 2, get her to chat about herself.

    Step 3, you want to learn more. Ask to meet her later.

    Step 4, now she is your problem.

  11. As someone who was never really at the top of his dating game as a young man, and then had to start dating again in his 30’s, it’s just practice. You have to learn what works for you, and what people respond to *from you.* If you try to use someone else’s foolproof method and schtick, it’s never going to come off as natural. Develop your own.

    Does this mean you’ll have some awkward and embarrassing experiences? Oh my, yes. But it’s worth it.

  12. I stopped caring about any “destination” and started viewing the interactions as being for my amusement in the moment.

  13. Practise on your bros. Like just casually throw in a “bro, you have such beautiful eyes”. With practise, it will become second nature.

  14. No, but I’ve learned just having a good time on my own will attract what I want much moreso than if I go out looking for it.

  15. Yes I just talked to girls I was into and worked on my game it’s like getting good at literally anything else study and practice

  16. Practice.

    It’s about finding someone smart enough to keep up (and shares the sense of humour), and who finds you attractive.

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