A few weeks back I went to a party with my friend and people he knows from work and their friends. I came and greeted all and one of the girls there was clearly in a very good mood and probably had a good amount of alcohol in her haha. But she was totally present and I could easily talk to her, and she seemed really nice. She had heard about me from my friend and was eager to meet me. We started talking and talked some more, drank, and I got an immediate good vibe from her; she was playful, very kind, grounded, and has a bachelor in psykology and works with people struggling with drugs. Seemed like she was super kind, loved people, and at the same time was lots of fun. Good start!

Later in the evening we all went out. I was a little drunk and so was she and we were both in really good mood. On our way to the pub we held hands, laughed, had fun, and at the pub we talked a lot, laughed, she sat on my lap, we held hands, but the situation was broken by a bar fight happening so we all just left. I got her snapchat, and I text-snapped a bit with her after that.

Now, I told my friend this who has known her for many months, and he said “Yeah, that’s just how she is. She’s super kind to everyone and can seem flirty and such”. That was a bummer to hear that, but I thought he knows her best. So I thought she maybe just was in a good mood that night, and it had nothing to do with me but that she rather was like this to everyone, and that was it…

Last weekend however, I asked if she was gonna go out again, and she was. I went out too, and bought a drink when I arrived. She and her friends weren’t there yet. One of the guys I met earlier came first so I sat down and talked with him. Suddenly I felt my coat getting “picked” a bit, and I turned around, and that girl had entered without me seing her heh. So she had clearly seen me. It was a group of like 10 people entering with her. And even though I sat down with all of them and talked and greeted and such, I’d say about 80% of the night was me and her sitting by the bar and talking, laughing, having a great time. The conversation flowed like a river, we laughed a ton, gave each other compliments, I felt super confident and great, I bought her drinks, we danced swing once, we opened up personal stuff for each other a bit, held hands a bit, and we got to know each other better. She said she loves people, which sometimes could be hard at work as she felt personal connections to the drug addicts she works with. Even when she went to the toilet or over to the other people a bit and maybe danced with some others too, she quickly came back to me afterwards, even though she was here with like 10 other people. At one point I even remember her jokingly say “I’m too old for you, don’t you think?” (she’s 2 years older hah). I even heard later on that another girl in the group had seen us two throughout the night and thougth 100% we were a thing, and that two other dudes who were interested in her had tried hitting on her but she stayed with me (that was a confidence boost to hear, I gotta tell you!)

That was saturday. Since that night I’ve desperately tried to remember as many details as I can, but I think the most important is mentioned above. I’ve text-snapped a little bit with her since; the day after we were out she sent a pic snap of her working, and that started a little conversation where we both asked if we had a good time yesterday. And we’ve texted a bit about her job and such afterwards where she has thanked me for very motivating words on hard days 🙂


NOW, the question is… From what you gather here, what’s your thoughts? Do you feel she’s interested? Or just friendly? What should I do next? Ask her for a coffee? Ask if she wanna meet out again? Or?

  1. She could be friendly and/or flirty when she drinking. You have to ask her on an actual date though to find out. Not these group outings or just meeting out at a club. And not coffee. That’s for when you don’t have any time in with them as a quick meet up. Plan a date or at least dinner.

  2. Sounds like y’all click!

    Sounds like you provide her a comfortable space to exist in group situations. Just keep being you no worries my dude ☺️

    Love is like plants. Little bit of water and fertilizer and it grows on its own, don’t need to do much but just exist in the moment and enjoy your time with her And the life you got

    You got this 💪

  3. She’s obviously interested. Just ask her out again.

    I’d go with drinks or maybe even dinner. Coffee is too first dateish and you are effectively almost on date 3.

  4. After third date, I’d usually consider we’re past the dating phase and we can engage in a relationship.

    You should buy her a small valued present of something she could enjoy (if of course you picked up her tastes and what she likes)

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