Was talking to my (24f) fwb (38m) the other day and brought up my sister (27f) and he interrupted right away and was like “wait , you have a sister??”, asked how old she is, and then asked me if she was into threesomes… I gave him a glare. Now, my fwb has a history of cheating. I didnt think much of the conversation after it happened, but all the sudden i just remembered it and really started to think about it and now im worried he’s gonna try to hit her up, or not like me as much or see me differently bc shes closer in age to him. I find it kinda weird he wants to do this. My sister would not like him at all but he probably would like her bc he likes shiny new things and now im panicking. I feel like things will never be the same now, even tho we still fucked after that conversation lol. I wish i never brought up my sister. I hope he forgets about the conversation 😬 maybe this feeling of anxiety will fade after sometime.

  1. He is a FWB, not a boyfriend, so unless you have some rules about exclusivity, which would be strange in a FWB situation, he can bang anyone he wants.

  2. Awkward as hell even for a fwb lol. I never had something like that happen to me before, but I would be creeped out if someone I was hanging out said she wanted to fuck my brother. I would probably say “I felt awkward as hell by that, if you wanna hook up with my brother go ahead but I really don’t wanna hear anything about your intentions or experiences with him”.

    And him wanting to do a threesome with your sister? wtf thats gross. One thing is fantasizing, but actually suggesting? yuuuck

  3. Lol bro watches too much p vids. Pretty sure he was suggesting a threesome with you and ur sister involved.

    Also u are worried about the wrong thing. U are getting insecure and jealous of a fwb, who clearly isn’t committed to you. Don’t waste your time with him.

  4. Well just find some random girl and air brush her to be ugly as fuck, then say this is my sister she doesn’t get much male attention since her 6 kids and is down for the 3sum. She wants to know when but we have to wait for X to clear up and you can help babysit afterwards.

  5. Ehhh he’s being an immature inappropriate creep.

    You can do better OP.

    It really bears repeating if women his own age won’t fuck him, you probably shouldn’t either. This guy is legit trash.

  6. Look don’t be a pussy. Just tell him the answer is NO. You don’t want to do this and you don’t want to hear about it again. He is not your husband or even your bf. Stand up for yourself. Set boundaries.

  7. I had a fwb like that. It was so gross! He implied a threesome between him, me, and my younger sister 🤮
    He also seemed to definitely find her more attractive than me without ever even meeting her, only seeing pictures I showed him bc I thought it was just friendly. She’s younger, very pretty, and skinnier than me, and also new and shiny and forbidden bc I said off-limits. I seriously regret not dumping him on the spot for all that. He was a major ass hole and was very hurtful in other ways but I was dazzled by how handsome he was, and I thought I was lucky to be fucked by a guy like him. Do not make my same mistake.

    Your fwb should be a *friend*, and you wouldn’t let a friend say that shit about your sister. Tell him it’s inappropriate and to stop, and if he doesn’t you must hold up your end of the consequences (ie dump him).

  8. Girl this is your fwb, I’m concerned you are not understanding the dynamic of this contract you are in. He is not your boyfriend. It is not possible for him to be cheating on you and I guarantee he is having sex with more than just you. He was suggesting a threesome with you and your sister. He is at the very least an immature individual. I hate to see people enter into fwb situations especially with an age gap because usually one individual is in it for sex they don’t have to work for and the other is in it because they have feelings and have settled for less to keep the other in their life. Send this man child back to the streets. I think FWB only works for cynical divorced folks whose dreams of romantic love died during court appearance 1 out of 25 in a contentious divorce.

  9. Like a dozen things wrong with this post lol…

    1. Fwb? You sound invested in what he thinks for someone you just smash from time to time?

    2. He has a history of cheating, what does that matter to a fwb? He can’t cheat on you because y’all just smash buddies.

    3. Clearly he doesn’t share your boundaries and doesn’t care about yours.

    4. He is kind of nasty… You put your mouth on that human?

    5-12 meh, I think enough was said.

  10. Wait: why is it “cheating” if he’s a FWB of yours? Isn’t the entire FWB-thingy about NOT being in a committed relationship?

    Next to that: yes, I find his request … rises an eybrow or two.

  11. If you don’t trust him , what’s the point of being with him ? Especially if he goes out of his way to make you feel like shit ? You deserve better.

  12. People say there are no rules with fwbs but really

    At some point there needs to be a filter for me

  13. Tbh you are FWB. He can do whatever he want. You’re not in a relationship so it’s kinda weird you’re anxious at all and would call it “cheating”

    It’s even weirder, that the person you fuck is nothing for your sister. So you think better of her than of yourself. Hes good enough for you but bad for her.
    You really should check who you’re fucking and maybe raise your standards.
    Or just date quality men, that want a relationship then you dont have problems like that.

  14. Your description is kinda alarming.

    You sound really insecure in your relationship with your much older friend with benefits.

    Your reaction to him being ass and talking about fucking your sister isn’t “man I should get a FWB my own age who actually wants to respect me and won’t drop me as soon as the next shiney thing comes along”

    And is instead.

    “Man what could I HAVE DONE to keep him from cheating on me” – which is crazy backwards.

    It sounds like you want to be in a long term relationship with a guy and he doesn’t value you that way at all.

    Figure out what you want and try to get it. That probably involves not fucking this person anymore, or at least finding other better partners as well.

  15. FWB sounds so complicated lol. Can you cheat on a FWB? Does it matter if he pursues your sister if you’re not in a relationship?

    I agree, its creepy, but maybe having nebulous and unclear relationships with people allows this sort of behaviour.

  16. Jesus Christ people need to stop fucking people who were already in the throes of puberty when they were born and then questioning why there are red flags everywhere.

  17. Aside from the weirdness of an incest 3 some, some of the things you stated set off alarms. You mention his history of cheating and worried he’ll like your sister more than you. This isn’t the type of behavior that is common with fwb. This is romantic relationship stuff. I feel you may view this relationship as potentially turning into something more and he’s seeing it as a casual fwb strictly sex thing. As “cheating” and jealousy in my experience dont apply to fwb. You can choose to be monogamous friends with benefits, sure, but it wouldn’t be cheating in my opinion. Personally I think you should look into the dynamics and how you both see this relationship as to me, you come off as “jealous girlfriend” and I don’t want your feelings getting hurt because you both aren’t on the same page

  18. You sound way too invested for this to be solely a FWB situation. It was a rude question for him to ask, but you seem more worried about his history and who he’s attracted to than you should for somebody you’re just supposed to be fucking.

  19. He’s 38 and he talks to you like that? He’s almost middle age but makes douchy frat boy comments to what is his appeal again?

  20. this sounds like a terrible fwb. Aside from the age gap one like wtf. Find someone closer to your age.

  21. erm… he is obviously not good enough for you to be worried if he likes you or not, as well as the fact he is an FWB not your partner/spouse. there is a valid reason why he is pushing 40 and still isn’t in a stable relationship.

  22. I can understand if this was a best friend but a sibling that’s taking it too far dude been watching way too much porn think that’s ok

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