Will need to wear a suit 4 days on an upcoming trip. How many suits should I pack? I am thinking 3 with a different shirt and tie each day. Blue, Grey and Black. Thinking of spacing out the Blue on the first day and the last. Thought about bringing a blazer to mix pants a jackets but really need to have a suit each day of the trip.

  1. Two should be fine. Everyone knows you’re traveling. It is more important to bring extra shirts than it is to bring a third suit (or a fourth tie, but those don’t really take up space).

  2. I would say 1 or maybe 2. Noone is gonna notice anyways unless you work in the fashion industry. Just bring different shirts and ties.

  3. What color suits do you have? You don’t need black. Ideally you have blue and gray. Not much context given, but why not slacks and a sport coat? Will help mix things up.

  4. 1-2 suits, 4-5 shirts. A few tie options that versatile with your suit/shirt combos. An extra blazer could be nice for dinners or after hour drinks.

  5. I’d probably just take two suits and four shirts, a new suit for each day seems really excessive.

  6. It really depends on the industry. I work in tech, so the answer is 0.

    Honestly, I’d say 1 suit. Suits don’t need to be washed everytime you wear them, and different shirts and ties would be fine. How often are you actually washing your suits? Maybe the question should be flipped: why would you need more than 1?

  7. 2 suits where you can internet change the pants and jacket. 4 shirts that match those 4 colour combinations and 4 ties to alternate as well.

  8. 1 blue, 1 Grey.

    1st day blue, 2nd day Grey pants w Blue Jacket, 3rd day Grey suit, 4th day Grey Jacket & blue pants.

    Pack white shirt, blue shirt, and two other favorite colors, i.e., pink, purple, green, or black.

  9. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your industry? I haven’t seen many ties in recent years, and I’ve been working in corporate/industrial spaces.

  10. None. Suits are a form of social control. Whomever has that expectation is not worthy of respect.

  11. 1 suit. 1 sport coat that is patterned and does not match the color of your suit. 1 nice pair of jeans. 1 pair of kakis. 1 white crisp shirt and 1 evening shirt. And a nice T-shirt.

    Now mix and match everything according to occasion. They can’t all be ‘executive meeting’ type meetings. Some would be less formal and you can get away with a ‘smart casual’ jeans look. Others are everyday meetings and you can just do the kakis goes with everything approach.

  12. If you *have* more than one I’d bring two.

    But a different color shirt and tie for each day.

    Or what you suggested in your post, if you got the room in your bag.

    Might as well be prepared.

  13. you can get away with 2. I know people who do one — but I’ve found 3 is better.

  14. I’d take two and travel in different clothes. And have another pair of trousers for the evening. I spent 25 years on the road and that’s what I did.

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