I really want them back so bad, we are still in contact, they seem a bit reluctant to show any affection but were very clingy during and after the relationship. So these past few months they have really made me aware that there is no one who is quite like them, we had plenty of ups and downs, I caused so many problems but I don’t have the guts to admit it to him. I took it too far too quick on a lot of occasions, I’m really a horrible person, he made me realise that. But I’m bettering myself step by step every day, and I really want to show him I’m changed and need him in my life, any advice is appreciated.

TLDR: Just want my ex back in my life, they seem to have little interest.

  1. Talk to them, pretty much what you wrote here, and see if they’re interested. You could talk about the problems you caused if he asks, idk how bad it is but you might have to accept the result / give them time to think.

  2. Hello. I don’t know you but I can assure you I am going through the same thing. We were friends right after the relationship and even talked about getting back together but then everything seemed to die out. I feel it, I miss him terribly. More than anything really, and just as you are I am confused on what to do. I cannot offer you a solution, as I do not know of a simple one myself, but you do have some options here.

    A)Be real with him. Sit down, have a conversation. Tell him you miss him and let him know how you feel. Then straight out ask him. Ask him his feelings and if he says he’s moved on then you have your answer. If he reciprocates your feelings maybe you can work something out together.

    B)Wait. Let him mature and grow. If he has any feelings he will come back to you. But keep in mind the waiting game can be long.

    Things to keep in mind: He’s not the same person right now then he was in the relationship. Trust me, this took me a long time to realize. He’s a different person now and the memories that keep popping up in your head are of his past self when he was with you, not his current self. Yes, you miss him. Probably more than words can describe. He’s different, not like the rest, I completely understand. However, I assure you, stranger on Reddit, that everything will be okay. You are stronger than you think. Do what you feel is right.

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