Let me give a small backstory. Met this girl in the summer, hung out with her and her friends and my friends almost every day, me and my friend went out with her and her friend for a dinner (as friends) school started again and we never spoke to eachother again, she called me a few weeks ago, i invited her and her friends over and some of my friends (were all friends), and we end up cuddling together on my bed with everyone chilling in the room and playing some music. I’m planning on asking her to be my girlfriend next time i see her. And her friends have been telling me she likes me and she’s posting couple tiktok’s and shit like that. • Anyways, main question, how do i ask her to be my girlfriend? would i take her out of my room and get us alone, i would probably text my friend to get everyone out of the room and we would just cuddle and watch instagram reels like last time, when would i say it? and if she says yes what do i say after? my friends tell me to do it in person and not with a text, I just don’t want to make it awkward • Thanks for the help.

  1. I would ask directly in person. It will be awkward only if you make it awkward, if you know she already likes you and the potential is there for a yes don’t be afraid to ask.

  2. From the sounds of it, you’ve mostly been in group situations why not ask her out on an actual date first?

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