Also likes to wrestle and play fight too much

  1. Why would this be a bad sign?

    Are they malicious? Are you being physically or emotionally hurt by them, like are they just mean-spirited and she’s passing them off as “jokes?”

    Because otherwise it just sounds like she’s got a playful spirit. If it bothers you, bring it up. Otherwise, either start joking/pranking back or play along.

  2. I think random jokes and play fighting can be fun sometimes, but if it’s ALL THE TIME, then I’d get tired of it, and her, pretty quickly.

  3. its a bad thing only if the dude’s depressed psychopath. idk there isn’t anything wrong bout pranks n random jokes mate infact they’re always a good thing.

    though if they’re in excess then thats a different story…

  4. Depends on the frequency and intensity of those pranks. I could see it being annoying in certain contexts.

  5. It’s a bad sign. If her idea of a Funny doesn’t align with yours. There’s nothing inherently good or bad about it as long as she isn’t, actively harming anyone, physically, or mentally. But it is important for a couple to have similar sense of humor

    I had a girlfriend who absolutely couldn’t take, good-natured, ripping and making fun. She would internalize it way too much and take it seriously and spiral. My current girlfriend loves when I do it so if you don’t like what she’s doing, that’s a problem in the relationship she’s not wrong. You’re not wrong. You’re just mismatched.

    Edit: wow, the dictation function on the new iOS REALLY loves inserting, random commas.

  6. It’s not a bad sign until “too much”.

    You could see it as playful or immature; depends on how your personalities and humor mesh. But anything taken to too much is a bad sign.

  7. Not inherently. It can be problematic if your senses of play and humor don’t align well but that’s about compatibility not an objectively good/bad sort of deal. Sometimes it’s too big a gap, but often can be resolved by working towards a center. Have you talked to her about it?

  8. If you’ve communicated your real boundaries and she’s not respecting them, if she’s competing for your attention against your work or other friends, if she’s dismissive and unserious when you try to talk about it: red flag.

  9. It’s fine as long as it’s good natured and doesn’t cross any boundaries. It also could be something fine and normal just not compatible with you

  10. It’s only a red flag if she’s not ok with me pranking her back.

    Also that play fight is going to end with me pinning her down and tickling her.

  11. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad sign, because I wouldn’t think it’s a sign of anything really.

    However, you clearly don’t like it, so you should talk to her and ask her to tone it down/stop altogether.

  12. Sounds awesome actually. If you don’t like that behavior then you two are probably not compatible.

  13. Depends on how much you like pranks and wrestling. That’s the entire point of dating someone, to figure these kinds of things out and if a relationship like that makes you happy or not. There’s no right or wrong answer with this, it’s a personal preference.

    Personally that sounds like a nightmare to me as someone who doesn’t like pranks much at all.

  14. That’s entirely subjective. Do you enjoy the pranks and jokes? If so, it’s a good sign. If you don’t, it’s a bad sign but could be manageable. If you’ve been clear about the fact that you don’t enjoy them, and she keeps doing them anyway, that’s a really bad sign.

  15. What a strange question. Why would it be a bad sign? A sign of what exactly? I understand if you don’t like it and would prefer she didn’t do it, but that pertains to the here and the now, not some nebulous red flag type scenario.

  16. It’s bad if you don’t like it I guess. Try talking about it and if she don’t get it, try making it not fun for her.

  17. That depends on the pranks.

    Those fart things, puttin salt in your beer, hitting you with pillows or waking you up cause you overslept are somewhat ok. Playfighting and regular wrestling is, too. Probably just part of her love lanugage.

    If those include bodily or psychological harm to you (and you decide what that is), that is not ok.

  18. No that’s a good thing. It means she likes you and likes spending time with you thinking about you and playing with you.

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