Gents: What were the circumstances when you wept in public?

  1. I don’t think i ever did, when i couldn’t hold i went to a private place i could lock myself into like a bathroom or something

  2. Saw an elderly, homeless, schizophrenic man talking to himself and panhandling outside of a vacant, bank-owned property.

    It simultaneously made me angry for and broke my heart for him.

  3. my grandma passed two weeks ago. i cry at my desk at work alot actually. last year my daughter was admitted for depression and i cried all the time in public. fuck em.

  4. Funerals, mostly. A few concerts. Music just gets right in me and opens the floodgates sometimes.

  5. Typically when someone passed away. But I tend to hold it in until I can be semi private.

  6. I felt the urge to cry so I did.

    Maybe I finished a good book, maybe I thought about something sad, I’ve had many reasons.

  7. We watched the notebook in class

    The ending got me

    Also when our school had a bomb threat

    Oh crap Im gonna have to go through these barrage of questions again about why I didn’t just go home

    Because I was afraid too

    Anyways we had a bomb threat at our school and I was afraid to just go home so I decided to stay along with some other students

    Mot of us thought it was bs and we talked about how it went real the whole day and how their was nothing to be afraid of

    In hindsight there’s a good chance that a lot of the students who stayed might’ve been in similar situations as mine with home lives.

    Anyways it was all fun and games and than you just see this mass exodus of students out of the building and ngl, seeing that’s kinda scary

    Than things get quiet.

    Than I remember their was this cute girl in class who didn’t like me (for good reasons, I was a creep) and I didn’t like her and I just remember seeing her start to cry because she was scared and that made me start crying

    The moments before the “time” we’re so quiet and tense, i was really afraid of dying

    But than the time came and a bunch of students in a different class yell something like “WERE STILL ALIVE!” And everyone laughs in relief.

    Me and the girl wiping away tears and sniffing while laughing it off

  8. When I was 9 and got a bad grade at school for the first time, being afraid to tell my parents? That’s about it.

  9. I have been in situations where i couldn’t hold and wept like funerals and stuff. A few years ago i volunteered to help at a refugee camp all people who fled war in Syria and i saw some very horrible things especially with kids in frozen temp wearing very few clothes and no shoes. I wept for them and for my inability to help and for th3 harsh live those kids are living in. I mean what did they did wrong to deserve this. I still hate myself. I curse god for being unjust. Even now as i write this and thinking about it this makes,me angry qnd really sad. Becuase i know there are many unfortunate humans out there and i cant do anything about it.

  10. Most recently, that would have been when my grandma passed. Like, not at the funeral, but literally after leaving the hospital room with the emotions still raw type.

  11. Mothers funeral. Week after her death. Didn’t shed a tear until that day. Something about watching the coffin go into the hole just hit me like a ton of bricks

  12. When Iron man died. Bawled my eyes out in a packed cinema with a straight face with popcorn in my mouth.

  13. My mother’s death. Came unexpected. She died from a drunk driver and he mind as well hit me. I broke down in rage, sadness and every other emotion possible

  14. I don’t think I’ve ever wept in public since like… 4 years old, and back then it was for super serious things like being confused and worried (like I can’t see my parents) or someone taking away my favorite toy. Scratch that, at 4 I wouldn’t of cried if someone took my favorite toy, I’d make them cry. I was kind of a mean kid (grew up to be super friendly and non-violent though)

  15. Had a breakdown on a Friday (its complicated, bullying and feeling left out). Got made fun of for it on Monday, and then asked to be transferred to a different class/section. It was just the last straw.

  16. Moved far from home for university. Was sitting by myself while waiting for the bus and I started thinking about how i had no one to call friend near me.

  17. Got a phone call at work on my lunch break from my best friend’s mom telling me that he died in a car accident.
    One of the worst days I’ve experienced.

  18. Got the phone call from her surgeon to tell us our kid had come through her 4hr surgery to remove a giant ovarian cyst with flying colours and we could come see her in recovery.

    Not the slightest bit ashamed to have sunk into the nearest seat and wept.

    Welling up now just thinking about it.

  19. I can think of two

    1) when I was a kid and my dad was deployed for long periods

    2) when my grandfather passed away.

  20. When David tyree made the helmet catch in the Super Bowl that ultimately ended the patriots undefeated season and playoff run

  21. Dad died, I was in college. Not a single person said anything or asked if I was okay. Never again. Society sucks

  22. When my dad passed away at the height of Covid. I rushed him to the hospital for pneumonia and his condition was really bad. I signed a do not resuscitate order and I knew the end is nigh.

    An hour later, a nurse approached me and said he passed. I just walked to a quiet corner and bawled out. I was sobbing loudly and I think I was wailing

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