I hear many people saying that my child won’t go through this and that like I did.

What is something that you faced in your life and will try your best to not let it happen in your child’s life?

  1. I always acknowledge when I’m wrong and apologize to my kid. I don’t ever remember my dad backing down or apologizing, and it was pretty hard to have healthy relationships as a young man when I thought that conflicts were about winning.

  2. Hopefully CPS

    I’m HOPING they never have to go through so many women shelters as I did or that they don’t have to constantly switch schools

    But you never know what the future holds

  3. My children will never have an emotionally unavailable, materialistic, and misogynistic father.

  4. There is absolutely no way to answer this. No one here sees the future.

    Yes, they can say that their kid will never go hungry because they have a good job. But you can get injured tomorrow and lose your job.

    You can say that your kid will never go without a home because you own a house. But tomorrow some disaster could happen and that house could be gone.

    The future is so unpredictable. There is absolutely no way to say what they will never face.

  5. Walking 10 miles to school. Uphill both ways. In the snow.

    Blatant lie aside I gree up in a house full of secondhand smoke. Any kids I have aren’t going to have to deal with that.

  6. Neglect.

    I’ve seen too many parents neglect their kids whether it be not feeding or bathing them or not giving them enough emotional bonding time.

    I will never do that with my kids

    I think the way I’ve interacted and bonded with both my little brother (who is 11 now) and my niece – (who is 8 now) is prove of how I think I’ll be able to give my future kids the emotional care they need. Whether it’s a son or daughter. And of course I’d do the basics things every parent should do like feed them, bathe them etc etc etc

    Neglect makes me sick.. How parents can do that to their child is beyond me. It’s like they forget that child will grown into a man or woman one day

  7. My future child is never gonna be hit by me EVER

    Unless it’s like with a dodgeball or water/nerf gun for fun then yeah lock me up

  8. Discouragement. My parents wouldn’t let me do this or have that. Foe example, I once had to persuade them to let me go play tennis with friends. So I lost interest in basically everything as a coping mechanism when I was a kid/teen.

  9. My kids are grown now. But they never had to go to bed hungery, unless they decided they did not want to eat dinner.

  10. An emotionally present and outwardly loving father.

    IF, big if, we ever have kids. I refuse to be like my dad. I want my kids to see me have emotions, that it’s ok for a man to cry, to laugh, and that showing love is not wrong. My father was like a wall, and I hated him for it. I don’t ever want my kids to think I am not invested in their lives emotionally

  11. My dad was a mean, disconnected bastard. I always told myself I’ll never be like that.
    I’m the opposite with my kids. Have been for 20 years now.

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