I met this guy on Bumble, and we met two days ago. It was chill, he insisted on paying for everything, drove me home, and tried to prolong the date as much as he can. When he dropped me off, I said ‘So, next time’s on me.’ and he said ‘Sure! When the next time comes.’ which I felt a bit so-so about, but five minutes after he dropped me off he texted saying ‘We didn’t take a photo together!’ to which I said ‘Next time.’ and he said ‘Hahahaha deal!’

He didn’t text the day after, though. I texted him that night and asked him how his day is going, and he said it’s been meh so far and that he had university then training then he’s working on an assignment. He later apologized, said he’s sorry and that he’s submitting one of his midterms so he didn’t get the time to reply. This morning, I texted telling him that it’s okay, I was just checking up on him and asked him how his midterm went. It’s been around 3-4 hours now, no reply.

I get that he’s busy, but I’m still feeling anxious and feel like something is wrong. Should I just let it be, or should I text telling him that I’m interested in getting to know him more, and if he feels the same we should go out again? I feel like the anxiety is stemming from me not knowing, so I’d like to eliminate that.

1 comment
  1. I’d wait for a response. Then ask when he would like to get together again because you’re interested…

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