Ladies and gents, what are your experiences on dating younger people? Im 27F, lets say youngest I’d go for 22. I have this fear that their life is just starting and regardless how well the connection is (emotionally physically intellectually) they still might change their mind after a few years. Then I’ll be in my 30s 😂😂 dating is not a piece of cake in your 20s, what else in your 30s or does it get better

  1. You’re correct that the age difference comes with extra risk of changing long-term goals. Some guys that age aren’t actually ready to settle down, but it sounds like you are.

    Dating in your 30s is not easier.

  2. In general a lot of women value traits like socioeconomic status and the desire and means to be able to have a family when picking a long term partner and that’s where the age gap you want becomes tough. In general most men in their early to mid 20’s are at rock bottom socioeconomically (just a function of age where they don’t have the time to build up a career) and most men in that age group don’t have the desire and means to start a family anytime soon. If you don’t want to start a family and don’t care about a man’s socioeconomic status then yea go for it, everyone involved is a consenting adult so there isn’t a problem with the age gap necessarily, it’s more so that your described scenario doesn’t usually work because of what I described above.

  3. If he knows what he’s doing in bed (doubtful) his erections are going to be better than someone in his 30s.

  4. Do you want sex and passion or do you want marriage and commitment? I know both but….

    I dated a 26 year old at 23. First it was exciting….soon I realized she really wanted to get married and I had all the time in the world. In hindsight, I strung her along….

    If you are looking for casual….I’d say it’s fine

  5. I’ve always dated younger, with an age gap anywhere from 2-7 years younger than myself. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something long term. I deff would not go as young as 22 at your age. Reality is they ARE just starting out in life. They’re still learning, still maturing, still figuring themselves out and what they want out of life. Of course many think they know what they want, at 22 I thought I was mature and ahead of the rest, too. Looking back I just laugh lol.

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