We all have hard times. Sometimes people we love say something hurtful to us, and sometimes someone points out a bitter truth. I want to know about the hardest sentence you had to go through.

  1. You know, like us, we’re just messing around.

    I shouldn’t have had so much riding on it, that’s my fault. But still, it hurt bad.

  2. I guess this is a ridiculous thing, but I used to take art commissions as well as sell prints of my drawings. Just a small side hustle, but I still thought I was a pretty decent artist since I usually got more requests than I had time for, and I was very happy to be able to make money off a hobby.

    One day a friend saw one of my pictures and said “Wow! You’ve really improved, one day you might even be able to charge money for this!”. Her honesty absolutely broke me inside. She was the sweetest girl and I’m 100% sure it wasn’t meant in a backhanded way as she had no idea that I already was selling drawings. She really thought she gave me the greatest compliment, so I just smiled and thanked her. I stopped drawing the same day and I won’t ever pick it back up again.

  3. “I love you so much and I enjoy spending time with you, but I don’t think I want to marry you”

  4. “We could have dated for a while if you weren’t this weird”.

    Delivered after making out with me for an hour.

  5. This was a conversation between my ex husband and my sister, while we were going through the start of separation and divorce. She asked him “Could you ever love her for who she is?” And to that, he responded “No, I can’t”

    It really hurts me to my core, knowing that I was never, and could never be good enough for him. Not without changing everything about who I was.

  6. You have terminal cancer. Said to my Mum in that moment it doesn’t feel like your place to grieve yet.

  7. My mom when I came time to an empty house with note from ex on the counter: oh no, we don’t want to lose ——- Then my dad when a guy was dating me and said he thought I was amazing: well she’s got an ex who doesn’t think so.

  8. Told my mother i loved her and she told me “stop forcing me I dont wanna say that to you.”

    I didnt even want her too lmao, i just wanted her to know that i did but well, thats that

  9. My great aunt accusing me of taking her husband’s jewelry. I in fact did not and she found it an hour after that accusing phone call to my mother which I overheard on speaker (as well as my aunt and brother too) I have not spoken to her since.

  10. My husband told me, “You are always crying about your dead brother!” We were on a family vacation and my brother had only passed a few months earlier. I had to pretend for the rest of that trip that I was fine and when we got home I told him to pack his shit and leave.

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