Got a two and a half hour flight tomorrow to Italy, not super long but got me thinking about people’s go to hobby for no internet flights.

  1. Download a movie, show or documentary off one of the streaming sites and watch on a tablet.

  2. It’s a short enough flight to play a game on my phone/switch, read a book or try and fail to have a nap.

  3. Download a film on your phone or take a book with you/ read a magazine. Put some music on your phone and listen / chill.

    Shut your eyes, have a nap.

  4. If it’s two hours about an hour is taking off and getting ready to land. It’s more like taking a bus than a real flight.

    Read a book.

  5. I’ll sleep. I know it’s not for everyone but on that short a flight, definite nap.

  6. Book, music, download a movie/series on Netflix/prime, sleep, podcast, audible etc.

  7. Listen to music
    Read a book
    Take a nap

    Here’s a pre-internet tip that may still come in handy if you forget your phone when you go for a crap…. Those bottles of shower gel, cleaning products etc., in the bathroom, you can read them, on back there’s loads of information about how drinking the contents will, at the worst, kill you or, at the best, make you piss blood. What a time to be alive

  8. What a said state of affairs when having no Internet for 2 hours means you have no idea what to do.

  9. I like to watch a film if there’s in-flight entertainment. I find the lack of distractions thanks to no connectivity makes the viewing second only to going to the cinema.

    Failing that, I’ll read a book or listen to whatever podcasts are downloaded on my phone.

  10. Gosh, I’ve flown all the way to Japan with no Wi-Fi or such like(should have had the wee screen in the headrest but it wasn’t working)

    Two hours is an extremely small amount of time to amuse yourself for, read a book, read the inflight magazine, look of the window, listen to a podcast.

  11. Enjoy books, magazines. Make friends with a stranger and just enjoy the time of not looking at a screen

  12. Never been on a flight with wifi!! Have always taken my own entertainment such as films, TV to catch up on or music.

  13. Read Heat magazine (it’s my little travel treat). Listen to some podcasts that I download in advance. Sleep. Puke (I get air sick on bumpy flights).

  14. Read a book or magazine, play on my Switch, maybe bring a sudoku/puzzle book, listen to a podcast, write/sketch in a notebook.

  15. Downloaded Heat and watched it for the first time in ages on a flight to Finland just before Xmas. Best flight ever.

  16. Read a book and or listen to music. 2.5 hours without being connected to anyone or anything is bliss.

  17. Sleep, look out the windows, be bored, read a book or magazine, listen to a predownloaded podcast, watch a predownloaded movie or TV show, game.

  18. They have internet on flights now? Haven’t flown since 2006. And it’s pretty sad that you can’t go 2 hours without internet. Like read a book or something.

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