“When someone shows who they are, belive them the first time” Men, what was the moment this saying came true in your life?

  1. Girl told me she is the incarnation of chaos. Turned out not even she knew how very true that was. Now we both know.

  2. I dunno.

    Autism makes me play this shit on hard mode. I don’t pick up on social cues at all, so all people to me amount to just cardboard.

    That said, did you know sociological studies show autistic people are better at finding out if romantic partners are cheating on them because of this? It’s like a fucking curse. Got cheated on 3 times but found out fairly soonish each time.

  3. Everyone I’ve ever met who bragged about being an asshole… yup, there was a reason their kids want nothing to do with them and they can’t maintain adult friendships for longer than a month.

  4. When you make a new friend, and they shit talk their other closer friends who they should have way deeper bonds with. Huge major red flag

    cuz they’re basically showing you that they’re 2-faced phonies and don’t have an ounce of loyalty

  5. Went out with a girl who said nonchalantly “I hate men” and I thought it was a joke

    Next date she spends 2 hours ranting about how all men are terrible, women should replace all male leaders, etc etc.

    Would have cut it off sooner but it was in a longish car ride. Instead of taking her to dinner after I dropped her off at her apartment and just said get out

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