Hi guys, I have kinda been hitting a ceiling lately in my charisma/social skills journey and would like to welcome some discussion and advice. Lets start with drawing my situation a bit. For years I’ve already been educating myself on the topics. Reading lots of books: charisma myth, how to win friends and influence people, the art of seduction, etc. etc. etc, checked online courses and resources charisma university, high vibe communication.

Let’s just say I did a lot. Additionally I have been getting a lot of practical ‘practice’ as well. Going out a lot, hanging out a lot and even studying on a management eduction where we get selected on our social skills.

I am already pretty good socially. I don’t have any problems making friends, presenting, making people laugh, with girls etc. I however, want to be the best with a deep understanding of how people work socially. It has always been a hobby of mine and maybe in the future something i’d like to help others with.

The ceiling I hit, i believe and correct me if I am wrong. Has to do with authenticity and the natural charismats. Basically what I noticed is that al the generalized social skills learned everywhere. Think about using tonality, body language and certain behaviours to increase your charisma. Thinks read in some of the resources I mentioned above. Get you up to a certain point lets say to the top 80%,but then fail you totally. however, up there in that final 20% before your reach the top you find these natural charismats who are just born with the quality and truelly radiate the aura of charisma effortlessly and with endless amounts. Funny thing is, some of them even fail on the more general elements of charisma I just spoke about earlier, yet enthrall everyone with their presence. These are many people around me and for some reason I tend to befriend them subconsciously and sort of look for them. They tend to be very different in personality as well. Some pull it off with a low energy, some with a high energy and its just strange to me as I cant really put my finger down on what creates their charisma and I believe neither can they.

For such a long time already I haven’t been able to figure out what their natural quality truelly is and hopefully someone here recognises that question. It’s something that divides the 80% of the final 20% and hopefully something that we can find together discussing about it.




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