hello, recently I started talking with a guy I’ve met on a community. For reference about myself, I always had bad luck on love, but I was still the type of girl that would do everything for their partner, this included finding three jobs for my ex, to pay for his college, except he ended up giving up on that “dream”, I just always liked to make my partners life memorable by showing appreciation, give them space when they needed, cook for them and just be present, honestly… I just wanted them to know they’re loved, basically. I’m not perfect, obviously, but that’s the type of person I am. But in my last relationships I’ve had the issue where they would eye roll at me whenever I tried to show affection.

Quite honestly, I started to become colder and colder, to eventually stop feeling anything for anyone. I swore off love. Focused on my work and myself and never looked for it, even if I had a few people that would ask me out on a date. I’m not really a believer of soulmates and people that have met in past life… honestly, I would eye roll at the thought of it whenever someone mentioned they had met their soulmate.

However… a really strange occurrence happened and I don’t know how to justify it. But I’ve met this really amazing man, not too long ago. We had talked separately and never directly, until one day I got a message asking if they could call. I usually shy away but this time I didn’t… I accepted it.

I have no idea how to explain, but as soon as we started talking and getting to know each other, it’s like I felt like two puzzle pieces fitting in perfectly, and what’s even stranger is that we both feel that we’ve known each other for way longer than we have. We stayed on the phone for 11 hours, we fell asleep and I woke up with him calling for my name. We talk like we’ve known each other for months, maybe years, and then we fall into the realisation that it hasn’t been that much time but only, actually, a few days. But why do I feel such a strong attachment? I usually take months to open up to my partner, but with him it seems easy, and he felt the same with me. We both find it very strange… and we’re both scared that there’s something wrong with how we’re acting! Like… are we moving things too fast? Things shouldn’t go this fast! We both talk about this a lot, with fear that we might be rushing things… but truth is, we’re not intentionally rushing anything… we were both not looking for a relationship, we just happened to stumble into each other’s lives.

I’ve never met anyone that made me feel this way, I don’t want to ruin it… but are we really ruining it if we feel like this is right?

It still feels strange, to both of us, to realise that we’ve only started talking very recently… and we make the awkward pause of realisation that we haven’t known each other for much much longer, although we both feel like we do… and it’s scary! Why is there such a feeling??

Thank you for reading and I was honestly wondering if anyone has ever gone through something like this… did I actually meet my soulmate? Is there such a thing, even?

  1. The real danger is rushing is if you do things like get married, move in together, intermingle your finances before you’ve really gotten a chance to know each other long term. As long as you don’t do that, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the emotional rush of feeling like you’ve met your soulmate. Maybe it’s for real, maybe it’ll be one of those intense but short lived romances. Just keep a good head on your shoulders and enjoy it while you learn more about him.

  2. It really easy to catch strong feelings when you don’t have any of the real life things that might make you stop and think.

    Words are a powerful aphrodisiac.

    Enjoy the feelings…let them be lust and happy and fun. Don’t plan a life off it though. Still do the practical things before making any decisions.

    Also, don’t go back to being a door mat, no one respects and loves that for long. Make sure there is give and take and that your partner gives as much as you…and make sure you accept their efforts and encourage it. Love is not one sided.

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