It seems a stupid question… if this may be a bit of a silly question but at McDonald’s in the US are refills of cold drinks available?

  1. In fact, most McDonalds have self serve soda machines so you don’t even have to go to the counter and ask.

  2. Of course, if u want a refill you can usually walk up to the soda machine yourself and get it

  3. Is there anywhere in the US that doesn’t have free refills excluding bars or stadiums? I don’t recall encountering any.

  4. yes. if eating inside and within the same visit. almost all fast foods allow this. some touristy places will limit this.

  5. Yeah, free refills on soft drinks is the norm here. Some may have a sign limiting you to one refill but most places are fine with multiple refills so long as you don’t leave and try to come back with the same cup later.

  6. I’m in a McDonald’s right now that is denying a woman next to me a refill. I haven’t seen one with an open soda fountain since Covid started.

  7. As most people have already said yes they are. But mcdonalds in rougher areas of town will likely have the drink machine behind the counter and you have to ask an employee to get a refill for you. Most ones in suburbs have a drink machine accessible to customers to use themselves.

  8. Yes. expect that all but Mom and Pops and international food restaurants will offer free refills of at least pop.

  9. You are liable to beaten to death by an angry mob if you charge for refills of soda and sweet tea in the US…

    That was hyperbole. It’s just considered poor business practice to do so due to how cheap soda is and how much free refills actually help a business make money.

  10. Most McDonald’s are owned by independent franchises and they have a degree of independence in how to run their business. Some do, some don’t.

    I’ll say I think many McDonald’s in the central Indiana area have become penny pinchers in terms of service. Sometimes drinks are no longer self serve. Often there is no ketchup or utensils to grab out front so you have to ask for everything. They’ve blocked or even taken out wall outlets to prevent people from charging their phones or laptops. I even once overheard a manager talking to staff about “giving out too many ketchup packets” to drive thru and take out orders.

  11. Yeah. If the soda fountain machine is freely available in a place, then it’s almost always for free refills. Even for those fancy soda fountains.

  12. Most McD’s workers care so little they’d probably give you a refill on fries if you asked nicely enough.

  13. Yes, in pretty much all restaurants in the US not even just fast food, you get unlimited free refills on soft drinks during the same visit.

  14. McDonalds are franchise restaurants. It can vary location to location. Always ask. In every restaurant you’re considering getting a refill!

  15. Most of the time places that don’t refill soft drinks are places that are about to go out of business.

    Same for when they charge for a cup of water

  16. Yes when you eat inside a fast food restaurant you can get endless refills because the drink machine is in the lobby space with the customer. The take away is that you have to do it yourself.

  17. Only within the same visit. You can’t go to McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant, eat your meal, refill your soda, leave, then come back a few hours later to refill. If you come back a few hours later, you’d have to pay for a new drink.

  18. Yes. And McDonald’s Coca Cola tastes better than other fast food chains. What? Me eating at McDonald’s? Never! It’s just hearsay..,.

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