i’m a 20f and he’s a 19m… and i seriously can’t be mad at him!?

he’s never done something so outlandish that i’ve been infuriated, it’s normally small things. for example, playing his video games and not responding to me. or he’ll interrupt me, not kiss back, not say “i love you” back. there’s been a few times he’s refused cuddles as well.

normally when he sees i’m upset/hurt he’ll either hate on himself (normally if he’s hurt my feelings), or he’ll make me laugh. and i’ll get upset (humor wise) because he made me laugh and i’m supposed to be mad! but it always ends in laughs and kisses…

do i just love him so much i can’t be mad, and just be playfully petty? i don’t even know… he’s my little clown

edit: him and i have been together for a while, some of these things he’ll do as a joke or try to get a response out of me…which is what’ll make me upset. he doesn’t do these things because he “doesn’t want to”, he’s doing it for a response.

TL;DR! i can’t be mad at my boyfriend because he will normally make me laugh if i’m mad.

  1. Is he constantly doing the same little things like ignoring you and so on?

    If you think about it now, does his behaviour upset you?

    If yes, you should talk about it.

    If its just lil honest mistakes, then its nothing to be mad about.

  2. My opinion? You didn’t get angry with him because he hasn’t done anything wrong.

    He has a right to not say I love you back, etc. Maybe he just doesn’t feel like saying I love you right then, or doesn’t feel like cuddling right then. Some time maybe you’ll not feel like saying I love you or like cuddling, and then you’ll understand better.

    It’s fine if one person feels like getting intimate and the other person doesn’t right then. Then you respect their feelings and you don’t get intimate. You’re not supposed to get angry at them. They haven’t done anything wrong.

    You can make your relationship more resilient and more likely to last long by respecting his feelings when he doesn’t feel like saying I love you or cuddling, and not making a big deal out of it.

  3. Have you ever word of the word consent?
    He has every right to not want to cuddle etc and if you dont understand that, you shouldn’t be in a relationship

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