Hey guys. So I have a small problem.

So really, I know how my lady parts used to smell. At some point in the relationship, I noticed that my boyfriend’s man parts smell a bit strong and shut up about it. Head became a chore, among other problems.

Finally, I told him that he should try and be cleaner because well it was becoming too much for me. I guess it reduced slightly after that but it was still there, even when he had cologne and smelled great everywhere else, so I assumed that it was his natural man parts smell.

Later, I started feeling like the smell spread to me.

Anyways we broke up and I’m pretty sure we haven’t had sex for the past 2 weeks. However, I can smell that each time I pull my pants down. I’ve been showering once every day. What could the problem be?

Please help because I really can’t stand it. I honestly don’t think it’s a hygiene issue. Before the relationship, I didn’t have a problem with hygiene, and honestly, I’ve tried harder than ever the past 4 days.

  1. How bad is it? Is it overwhelming like when you take your clothes off? I noticed I took on my wife’s smell after we started having sex. TBH, I kinda like it! Its weird how our body’s do things. If this smell is pretty bad, see a doctor. They can tell you if anything’s wrong

  2. Is it possible you have bacterial vaginosis? Sex can sometimes throw off your chemistry and invite non-std infection.

  3. I would go get tested. If you’re clear and it’s just a smell then try Honeypot boric acid suppositories to help “clean” you out.

  4. It is probably some kind of bacterial vaginosis ( it doesn’t have to be necessary an stdi) ,because that can smell and as women we are more prone to getting infections like these. But anyways you should go to a doctor that specializes in this, so you know for sure.

  5. If your society is so strict, what have you been doing for birth control? Wherever you got help with that, can they also help you with testing and treatment?

  6. If you are in an intimate relationship with someone for a long time, I could see how you might end up colonizing each other’s skin microbiomes with your “house blend” of bacteria and what-not. It could be he had some dominant strain that’s responsible in part for the extra-offensive odor. You could try oral or topical probiotics to see if you can get things more balanced in this regard, but this is an area where much is still unknown and it might even be something else entirely.

  7. I’d go to the Dr to get checked for std. I understand that you are worried about it. But its always better safe than sorry. At the end of the day if you was that worried you shouldn’t have had sex.

  8. Well, we can just speculate.

    Maybe its bacterial vaginosis you can treat that with lactobacilli.

    But it can be an STD so go see a doctor and tell him.

  9. Yall, stop down voting her for being scared to get checked. She lives in a country that bans premarital sex. It’s not a joke.

    Have some fucking sympathy

  10. This could also be a repopulation of your body’s natural bacteria. When babies are freshly born especially via c-section, that new baby smell is the skin of the baby pre-colonization by bacteria. We exchange a lot of bacteria in sexual relationships especially if partners live together/spend a lot of time together. For example: for fecal transplants where a patient needs to get bacteria from someone, the first choice is whomever they live with which often times is romantic partner. I’d still attempt to find a way to get tested if possible even if it’s merely UTIs, BV, yeast infections to rule them out. You’re not pregnant by chance are you, making you more sensitive to smells? Just wanted to put that out there.

  11. Sounds like BV which is not an STD so don’t worry that he’s cheating or dirty, etc. It happens!

    But you do want it checked asap and get your hoo-ha smelling back to normal. When you go to the doctor for the prescription, ask them to give an additional dosage so you can have your partner take it too – otherwise you’ll just be sharing that bacteria and be back in the same boat. Good luck.

  12. Ouch, that sucks. It sounds like you’re having to weigh the potential negatives of having an untreated STI (people are saying chlamydia is a possible candidate) against being being thrown out of your parent’s house. I too, would be freaked out about it being an STI and at the same time not wanting to risk having my life ruined over this because of fucked up societal values that you can’t control.

    From [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-happens-if-chlamydia-is-untreated](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-happens-if-chlamydia-is-untreated):

    *”However, left untreated, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in females. In males and females, it can cause inflammation of the liver capsule and reactive arthritis.*
    *Damage to the reproductive system can also lead to infertility or issues with getting pregnant. Chlamydia is treatable with antibiotics.”*

    I think the good news is that antibiotics can treat this (for the record, it’s not necessarily chlamydia though, and it’s also entirely possible to catch multiple STIs at the same time), and antibiotics shouldn’t cause suspicion because they’re prescribed for a number of reasons. You need to figure out how to get money to pay for going to the doctor yourself somehow. Beg/borrow/steal (well, don’t get caught or ruin yours or someone else’s life in the process though). Good luck, OP. I wish you only the best.

  13. a natural and popular way in my country to get rid of yeast infections and be odor free down there is a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water and wash inside with an irrigator, look it online, the baking soda has a positive effect on the PH of the vagina and also it is known for neutralizing odors.

    This method was a wonder for me for the past 5 years, before that I didn’t knew about it and was always with antibiotics.

    Search it online.


  14. Can you try and explain to your parents that you think you have thrush or bv and need to see a doctor? That may be enough for them to let you go and not want to be there because it is an intimate problem

  15. Awww definitely try to figure out what it is, I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.

  16. Everybody has a different bacterial balance. Every new partner, I can feel mine affected, I’m very sensitive to noticing changes in my body.

    Pretty certain his bacterial balance was off in a bad way as it should not produce an odor. You should definitely go to a gyno & to be safe get a full std screen but talk to Dr about bacterial vaginosis as well. Start taking a high quality, spore-based probiotic to assist your body to rebalnce but the Dr will have better info

  17. I had something weird like this once. I had sex with this guy and I’ve smelled people that smell bad but this was on another level. And the thing is he seemed completely clean/washed I think he just had a very distinct bo smell that did no align with my chemicals at all because it was repulsive to me. It was just so strong. I literally smelled like him for a week or two after. It’s the weirdest experience but that can stick. Idk in Spanish there’s a thing called chucha. My mom used to tell me to not share deodorant with my friends when I was in middle school because if someone smells then I can start smelling also, I can catch the chucha. So I feel like this is what that was lol. But I do think it should go away eventually. The smell stuck for me for two weeks after just one time so maybe for you it will be longer since it’s been many times. I know it’s stressful but I truly believe your regular scent will come back.

    and to make you feel better, I did not have an std ( I got checked some time after) and I also did not have bv/yeast infection. I’m not saying this means you don’t/can’t have those things but it’s possible you don’t. I’m sorry you’re in a situation where you can’t get access to the healthcare you deserve. Give the smell some more time to go away and if it’s been a month and it hasn’t left then reassess.

  18. hmm. Mady he used to live on a moldy house. That stink can tranfer and be notisable long time. Just an idea.

  19. You probobly have BV or a yeast infection, maybe an STI. Also, plz use condoms in the future. Also BTW you can have BV or a yeast infection without having sex, idk if that’s helpful to get you to a doctor, you likely need anti biotic. Something you can try for BV is a boric acid suppository and over the counter yeast infection stuff also exists. But unfortunately I don’t rlly see anyway around needing to buy something and going to a doctor. Plz don’t have anymore unprotected sex, I’m not trying to scare you but you reslly do not want to get cervical cancer or HIV.

  20. Try doing a hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar rinse to clear away the smelly bacteria. This will probably kill the good bacteria too so don’t do it too often, once every day or two. This will only work on the natural flora/fauna on your skin. Anything more serious will probably need meds. You could also try foot fungus cream for yeast issues. That’s what my Dr prescribed because it was cheaper than an actual prescription med. For anything more serious than that, you will need to try to find someone you trust for help, travel away to get treatment, or deal with the consequences of non-treatment. My heart goes out to you, OP.

  21. Can you order things? If so, they sell capsules of boric acid made for the vagina and it usually helps BV. I won’t tell you to go to the doctor because I understand why you cannot. IF you develop other symptoms though such as excess discharge, burning, or pelvic pain you may have no choice. I’m sorry you’re going through this and please consider abstinence or insisting on condoms for the future for your health and safety.

  22. It could be ureaplasma, which creates an off smell that isn’t always as fishy as bacterial vaginosis and is more like trash.

    Is there a way for you to get doxycycline? That will kill chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis, and ureaplasma.

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