Several readers in another thread wrote that they would appreciate a weekly thread asking readers to comment on what they are grateful for.

# So, what are you grateful for today?

Studies have shown that people who record things they’re grateful for on a regular basis become happier.

Below are some articles to help you get started.

**Be warned**

* these threads are being done on a trial basis, they may go away after a few weeks
* [site rules]( apply to these threads
* AskMenOver30 [rules]( apply to these threads
* these threads are not the place to vent about your problems. Open a new thread and flair it appropriately. Non-compliance will lead to being banned.

# Articles About Gratitude:

* [UC Davis: Gratitude is good medicine](
* [The Power Of Thankfulness](
* [Four Science Backed Benefits Of Gratitude](
* [Four Research Based Gratitude Strategies](

  1. For my health! It’s easy to spend every day focused on what I haven’t achieved yet, or might never achieve.

    But sometimes, just being able to hop up from the desk and get on the floor with the kids, or to take a call from a friend and go help them move a TV, is pretty great.

    Physical perfection? Hell no. But I can do a lot of stuff, just normal everyday stuff – without worry or struggle. And that’s pretty awesome.

    Cool thread.

  2. Honestly, that I’m financially secure.

    I’ve been having a nightmare of a year with multiple family members dealing with severe health problems. I’m constantly burned out and yet have so much work to do because I had to postpone projects due to spending weeks in hospitals taking care of other people.

    It sucks, but I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been if I didn’t have the resources. I used to be poor and eating out was… not a “luxury”, that word seems too grandiose, but it was the kind of thing that I kept track of. I would have to cook to hit a certain budget number every month. These past five days, I’ve been eating out every meal and it’s not a weight on my mind. Small things like that go so far when everything is so stressful.

    So, yeah, while there are cosmic forces outside of my control that seem to be hellbent on making this year an existential endurance test… I’m grateful that at least I can get some earthly pleasure here and there without making a big deal out of it.

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