So I’ve been married for 2 years now and before that I used to get some attention from women and get asked out. Not anymore tho. I thought my life would be like the famous belief that married men get a ton of women and being hit on (I want it for ego boost only, I’m not cheating on my wife). My wife would get hit on even when we’re out together, some guy will show up and try talking to her. The other day I went to some store with her and the saleman complimented her and said I was lucky.

Now I’m starting to not believe in this and thinking it’s all a lie.

Any thoughts?

  1. I don’t know how to answer this. Uhmm, you need to find your value and validating your worthiness without the complements of others. You are married, focus on making her as attracted to you as possible and stop worrying about what women/people outside of your marriage think. Counseling can help you with that.

  2. Married men don’t get hit on more than single men and quality women don’t hit on married men at all. Find a different way to get ego boosts. Look to your wife for that need.

  3. It was a lie! You were lied to. Married men don’t get hit on more than single men. If you’re getting hit on less, it’s because of other changes in you — getting older, losing confidence, less focusing on your appearance — not because you tied the knot.

  4. I mean firstly it’s pretty worrying this is something you’re looking to get off from in one way or another. Why did you expect them to hit on you more? I e heard of them talking to married men more because they feel safer in that the man will not hit on them, not “I’m going to get hit on more.” If I am ever getting the suspicion a woman is trying to flirt I try to make my ring shown or talk about my wife so that they STOP. Men, and some women, are dogs and don’t care/see it as a challenge I guess, but It’s deluded to have your mindset for multiple reasons. Rings are the first outward things many people look at to assess how to approach another person. Yes, it was a lie and idk who told it to you.

  5. Why the hell do you want to get hit on by strange women? You’re married!!! Are you saying you want to cheat on your wife?

  6. Your wife broke out the invisible ink while you were sleeping and wrote “taken” on your forehead!

    Dude, who cares? The only attention that matters is your wife’s.

  7. Why does it matter if they do or don’t hit on you? You should still be actively dating your wife and making yourself as attractive to her as possible. When I’m out and about with my wife I don’t care what other women think. My wife says other women give me “that look” but honestly I don’t notice. She’s the only one I need to find me attractive

  8. If you’re married, who cares?

    You need help to figure out why you seek validation from people you don’t know.

  9. Did you only get married to see if you could get hit on more? Why are you upset that you are MARRIED and women are now respectful of that and don’t hit on you. This has to be fake, I refuse to believe otherwise.

  10. who cares? you’re married and your wife is the one that gives you the attention. if you need attention form other women, there is totally something wrong

  11. Wow. I feel really bad for your wife- if you truly loved her, you wouldn’t give a damn whether you ever get hit on again.

  12. I feel like as a married person it’s actually irritating to get hit on. Especially if I’m wearing my ring. I’m always thinking “please leave me alone”. You should be grateful people are respecting your marriage.

  13. I am a woman and feel terrible for your wife. How old are you? I am not sure you are ready for the commitment of marriage.

    Pre-marriage, I was quite conscious of my appearance. I got decent attention from the opposite sex and was never without someone actively pursuing me. Now that I am happily married with two kids, I literally don’t care. I stopped buying clothes, putting on make up etc and only dress up when I am meeting my husband’s friends as I want him to be proud of his wife. I am not sure what is considered normal, but actively desiring attention still from women as a married man seems you may be insecure; you need to find a way to fill that insecurity or your marriage will suffer.

  14. You know I recently went to the store, walked in and thought “fuck I hope no one talks to me I just want to do my thing and leave” as a married woman it actually gets tiring after awhile and it’s really uncomfortable. The same ego you have is the same ego those other men use to talk to your wife, you’re walking a thin line.

  15. This is weird…. My husband doesn’t even notice when women hit on because he’s literally not looking.

  16. I remember when I was young and immature and looked for this to feel validated. I used to work in uniformed services and would get hit on quite a bit. Then I stopped caring and concentrated on my marriage. Now no one hits on me because I don’t care.

  17. Was it only to “get a ton of women and being hit on”, your own words, that you married your wife?? If you truly loved your wife you wouldn’t even consider other women. You need to look elsewhere to soothe and boost your apparent fragile ego or let your wife go because that mindset isn’t fair to her in the slightest. Let her move on to someone who only has eyes for her and cares about what she thinks about him and not other women. You need counseling because this isn’t healthy and it may not be cheating on her now, but that’s the start of one hell of a slippery slope.

  18. The only person you should care about hitting on you, flirting with you or being attracted to you is…your wife! Shocker, I know.

  19. Because you aren’t supposed to.

    She isn’t supposed to get attention from men either, but there are some people who have enough audacity to just not care.

    Anyway, try not to base your self-worth off that. Just be happy you have a loving partner who supports you (at least I hope she does those things)

  20. Lol whut?

    Uhh congrats on being married? Idk what to tell you. Haha women don’t magically get attracted to you because you’re taken.

  21. She prob comes off as the type of lady who isn’t so consumed with the opinions of random men that she married someone purely to get hit on by other men. You are lucky. Sounds like you married way above your caliber, and I’m just assuming you fumbled your way into it by being marginally attractive at best.

  22. Sounds like you got a hot wife. For some reason she chose you. Be grateful for that

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