It is a class with all girls and I am the only boy, as soon as I walked in I noticed some of them grouped up near the back corner of the room and as soon as I walked in the classroom one of them yelled out the word SPLOOSH while looking right at me and then they starting giggling. I didn’t respond or react I just kinda awkwardly walked to my seat and sat down.

This made me very uncomfortable tbh, it honestly feels weird being in a class of all girls (including the teacher).

Now the reason this bothers me so much is that I have bad social anxiety so I just kinda sat there the whole time avoiding eye contact with them, and as soon as class ended I ran out of there. Can somebody please tell me what this might mean, I can’t find anything about it online the only thing that came up was “to splash or cause to splash uncontrollably”. What does that have anything to do with me?

Sorry as you can see I have a bad habit of overthinking and analyzing things, I just thought this was such a weird thing to encounter today.

  1. Erm…I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to post the definition on here but the only definition I’ve ever heard of this meaning is to do with female….just type in “sploosh urban dictionary”.

  2. Sounds like they were just joking around. She’s not calling you a name, more they’re saying a sound effect that, well, girls do with a part guys don’t have. Hard to beat around the bush on describing this, but you did the right thing by not reacting to it.

  3. They are attracted to you. If they are using it in the way that Pam from Archer does and have honestly never heard it mean anything other than a woman being “very excited”.

  4. Girls that age can be so mean. As a 14 year old, I remember having a crush on a boy in my class. He was cute, got good grades, came from affluent family, and almost all girls in my class had crush on him. He was shy and didn’t look at us girls. We called him piggy for a reason I cannot remember. Whenever he entered class we would giggle and sing a rhyme on piggy. It must have been so hurtful to him. I regret now. Thankfully, he went on to be successful in life. So, please ignore those silly girls. They don’t know what they are doing. Please focus on whatever you want to achieve in life.

  5. I’ve been there mate, lecture hall of 200, me being 1 of 3 guys. It’s a complete shitshow when you have social anxiety especially w/ girls. Just keep your head down and pretend its just you and the teacher and everything else is background noise

  6. You could’ve put your hands up as if to say “I know, I know. Calm down.” and owned it like a boss without having to say one word. You’d have owned the room.

  7. That was sexual harassment and I’m sorry you had to deal with that. 🙁

    It would be wrong if you were a girl in a class full of all guys and they made some crude sexual comment, and it’s wrong for a room of girls to do it to you.

  8. Someone in the class has a crush on you, and one of their friends embarrassed them by yelling sploosh when you walked in (eg “you just made my friend wet”). Not sure if that’s a global meaning but it’s what happens in some Canadian schools lol.

  9. Sploosh is the female equivalent of boi-oi-oi-oing.

    Basically you got cat called.

  10. Sorry in advance

    Sometimes ‘sploosh’ is used to refer to sexual arousal because arousal = wetness = ‘splash’

    That’s incredibly inappropriate of them though. Not sure why they think sexual harassment is funny. Can you report it to anyone?

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