Basically title.

Idk if it’s me but I always get a really fucked night’s sleep if I’m sleeping with someone. Last night I got maybe like three hours of shitty sleep and the rest of the time I had to listen to her snore until she woke up

  1. It depends on how I sleep with the woman In question. Like it took me a while to find a comfortable position to sleep with my current gf who’s taller than me and built a bit bigger than I am. It’s easier with heavier women as they are comfy to cuddle up to and easy to fall asleep on. If someone has a snoring problem having them using those strips or wearing earplugs should be understandable if you cannot adapt to it.

  2. It takes a little while to get used to sleeping with someone… sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes I just want my own bed.

  3. It depends. Usually it’s not that big of a deal.

    Though I was dating a woman a couple years ago and literally every time I spent the night at her house I had some of the most intense and disturbing nightmares.

    That was one of many reasons that I stopped seeing her. But it was definitely one of the primary ones.

  4. It takes a while to get used to but once you do, you can’t sleep without it. It’s just a daily habit.

  5. Ear plugs can be quite helpful. Although if the snoring is that bad, it’s probably time to talk to a sleep doctor about sleep apnea.

    Generally I’m pretty easy going when it comes to sleeping with a partner, it’s never taken me more than a few nights to get used to it. OTOH, I’ve never had a partner who had excessive snoring or who kicked and moved around a lot in her sleep as far as I ever became aware.

  6. Can;t sleep with someone else usually. Now that the kids are gone, me and the wife have separate bedrooms and it is terrific. Usually when I am in the same bed with the wife, I have only have one thing on my mind and can’t sleep until I get it. Anyhow, maybe not a perfect solution, but we each seem to be happier with the situation.

  7. Uff, rarely, the bed needs to be big enough or sex should had to be exhausting to sleep properly.

    I LOVE sleeping by myself.

  8. Yes.
    King size bed
    Lovely sex
    Resting on her breasts
    Amazing sleep

    Though that has not happened in years I survive.on 4-6 hrs somehow 😒

  9. I don’t get a good night’s sleep with or without someone else in the bed and I have a big ass bed.

  10. She is a hot sleeper. I sleep as far away from her as possible but when she’s not at my house i am alone

  11. Takes me about 1-2 months of consistently sleeping with someone else in the bed, for me to get used to it. After that my sleep is back to normal.

  12. Yeah I do with my gf but I feel bad she gets annoyed through my snoring so I asked her to wake me up in the future/turn me on my side

  13. When I first got married it took a month to figure out how to sleep together and get some rest. We were pretty old fashioned and didn’t live together until we got married. It was rough. I had to do a lot of adjusting but got it figured out eventually.

  14. i specifically buy queen size or larger mattressso we have enough room to not bother each other. the only other thing i would have to worry about is if they snored or something. I haven’t had that issue yet. But i also don’t mind wearing earplugs if that was a problem.

  15. My girlfriend and I rarely sleep together, but when we do she is an absolute heat brick, and chases me around the bed all night long.

    I kinda like it. It’s fun, and she’s always up for some fun in the middle of the night.

    I never get a really good night’s sleep, but it’s always a good time

  16. Can not sleep in the same room with someone. Wife and I had separate rooms for over 25 years.

    Took a trip a few years ago with a couple of friends and even though we had double beds in the hotel, I did not sleep worth a damn!

  17. depends how close you and your partner are. I had the best naps lol, it was originally meant for 30 minutes and it ended up being 4 hours later

  18. Is it relatively new? Maybe at the beginning of a relationship but not now. I don’t even hear her alarms go off in the morning I’ve gotten used to which one is which

  19. Wifey and I agree, we DON’T get a good night’s sleep then the other isn’t there. We have a king bed and use less than 1/2 of it. I sleep on my back and she sleeps on her right side snuggled up facing me.

  20. My wife has nicknamed me Diesel because I snore like a truck.

    But if I get sex then I don’t snore.

  21. I sleep like a rock usually. If anything it’s harder to sleep with me cuz i roll a lot and i’m a blanket stealer in my sleep

  22. It’s hit or miss for me, depends on how much heat we generate and how many blankets get stolen. But it’s entirely possible to be snuggled together and asleep all night.

  23. If I have to get up for work I’m always tired the next day but if we can sleep in I wake up feeling better than usual.

  24. Not just you, I never seem to be able to sleep when I’m in someone else’s bed with them, reguarldess if attraction or arousal

  25. I do with my partner. It took us a while to figure things out and get used to it, but now we sleep just as well together as we did on our own – and my bed is a twin.

    We don’t mess with each other in the middle of the night. We each have our designated pillow on our designated side of the bed and we each stay where we’re supposed to be. It also helps that I like to sleep pressed up against a wall even when I’m alone, so they have plenty of room.

    Waking up on weekends is wonderful because we can cuddle for the last hour/half-hour of sleep, even if it doesn’t lead to sexy time.

  26. I sleep a lot better with someone next to me.
    Mostly because my partner doesn’t snore and doesn’t frantically move in bed and doesn’t steal the blanket.

    We hug and we fall asleep, I wake up and we’re hugging

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