I’ve been talking to a (27f) for about a week now for hours at a time on the phone. We met up yesterday evening for the first time. I drove 1.5hours away to meet her and pick her up to go out. Once I (27f) got out the car to greet her she instantly said I was beautiful and we headed to get our couples massage 40mins away.

Things went decent. We saw each other semi nude and were comfortable around each other. After the spa we headed to a restaurant that served hookah and we enjoyed our time. In the car she asked if I could tell if she was flirting with me and the different ways. I will admit that I rubbed her upper thigh twice in the restaurant (we have had plenty of sexual conversations prior to and even had phone sex). She said at some point she isn’t a fan of pda and I told her the restaurant setting didn’t even allow for that.

In the restaurant she said if she wasn’t on her cycle she would have sex with me right then and there. She also sent me text saying she was horny while sitting next to me. Eventually I told her I was ready for the check and she went to the bathroom and I paid. Shortly after, I went to the restroom and she waited at the car for me. I came out and just walked up to her and gave her a peck on the lips. She tightened her lips like she didn’t want to be kissed and I confusingly/jokingly said, “not you rejecting the kiss” and we just got in the car. As soon as we got in the car I told her how much to zelle me for the massage and restaurant and she sent it to me (I don’t feel I should pay for anything because we both agreed that we aren’t looking for a relationship we’re just dating and she wanted to split the bill at the spa). Once she sent the transfer she started massaging my neck, playing in my hair, and rubbing on my chest while I drove. Eventually she fell asleep.

I made it to her house, hugged her, and said my goodbyes she offered that I spend the night since we were both tired and I declined and drove home. She told me to text her when I got home I told her it would be pointless since she’d be sleep she said she’d still want to wake up to my text. I didn’t text her this morning instead I texted her around 1:50pm today and sent her a good afternoon text asking if she went to work and it’s now 7:24pm and she hasn’t responded.

I’m confused as to why she’s ghosting me when normally our text are consistent and we talked daily.

Do you think I crossed a line by kissing her?

  1. Bro it’s been like 6 hours people have other obligations other than a dude they went on a date with.

    Keep your head up loved one.

  2. if it’s less than 6 hours i dont think she’s ghosting you! I’ll bet you hear back and see her again.

    Just my guess on the kiss if it was outside the car, just standing in the parking lot, maube it was the public aspect. Might have been better in the car.

    OR she could have been disappointed/confused by you not staying the nite, and not texting after.
    the “i made it home text” isnt really about your safety, it’s about letting her know you’re still thinking about her.

    But frankly sounds like she likes you back plenty. just chill out a bit.

  3. I’d give her 1-2 days to respond. If she was at work by the time you texted her, makes sense she didn’t answer or swiped away the notification and forgot.

    The ending there was pretty confusing. You felt she didn’t want to kiss but she was also touchy afterwards. But then you declined her invitation to stay over, so that might have came off as not being interested.

    But I don’t think any lines were crossed. If she didn’t like that kiss, it makes no sense to be touchy in the car on the way back.

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