How important to you guys is physical features if the person ticks off all other aspects that are important to you and you enjoy your time with them and you feel comfortable with them ?

  1. If their physical features don’t clear the bar, I never get to find out if I enjoy being with them.

  2. It’s literally the single most important thing, despite what other people on here would like you to believe or they say to make them seem good. We’re human, we go for what we find attractive and our perception of them is based on how attractive we find them. It’s as simple as that.

  3. If we’re ever to become more than friends, very important! If there’s no physical attraction it’s not going anywhere.

  4. Its important for some scale ,but personality more important .

    You are fine if you r 5 and have good personality
    Probably wife material, but if you’re lets say not that attractive is gonna be difficult even with amazing personality thats the truth for boys and for girl .

  5. If i like her and are comfortable with her, but don’t find her physically attractive. Then we become friends, which is also fine. Platonic relationships are underrated in my opinion. But if there is no physical attraction, then more than that will likely not happen.

  6. Physical attraction is important. I’ve dated a girl that I wasn’t physically attracted to at all, but we had everything else in common. Intimacy was forced and after a while, I just couldn’t do it. In hindsight, this wasn’t fair to her and it would’ve been better to keep things platonic.

  7. Since trying to find someone online, physical attractiveness is important. If we go out and she doesn’t tick off the other boxes, there’s not likely to be a 2nd date. We all look at people with our eyes. Men and women want a piece of eye candy. So, while I look for someone I find attractive, I also want someone I can have intellectual conversations with. But you can’t tell if someone can challenge you intellectually, just by a dating profile.

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