My other half and I were intimate earlier, and in about the span of 30-45 minutes she ended up finishing 5 times. I was just curious what most people end up doing and what it’s like to orgasm that many times consecutively.

  1. I’ve given a dozen. I’ve generously been offered an assist for 1. Every woman, and every time, is different. And they are all normal.

  2. As everyone else has stated, it’s subjective. What’s more important is if you are CONSISTENTLY valuing your partners needs and taking care of them. Hitting a home run in baseball is cool, but if you strike out for the rest of the season, no one is going to remember your home run. They’ll remember you if you do it every time though…

  3. Some people have one. Others can have multiple. Has to do with mood, foreplay, body condition, mental / emotional state… so many different factors.

    This shouldn’t be a numbers game. Enjoy your time with your partner.

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