My gf was a virgin and I took her virginity but she had something with a guy and that guy couldn’t stick it in the first time. Someday my gf and I were talking about things and she told me that even that she was a virgin she has experience because she tried someone who was bigger than me. That hurted me a lot because she told me that this guy didn’t manage to fuck her but at the same time she says to me that she tried someone bigger. When I confronted her she told me that it it’s not true she was just trying to look cool and that I’m bigger but I asked her who did she knew I was bigger because according to her she never saw that guys dick.

  1. Being bigger doesn’t mean better – see, he couldn’t stick it in… It’s questionable if she could even enjoy the bigger size in herself..maybe it would hurt, etc…

    Tell your GF that if it’s true, she should keep the statement it and not change it. (so you can process it.. Words are like paper, you can take it back by tearing them apart, but they will still fly around in pieces)
    If it’s not, either way there was a lie in either the first statement or the other one. Relationship cannot be build on lies.

  2. Is she with the guy with a bigger dick? No. Does she enjoy having satisfying sex with you? Yes. If her criteria and sexual pleasure was based on men with larger dicks than you, she wouldn’t be with you.

    Also bigger doesn’t mean better even from a pure sexual standpoint. My gf dated a guy that she said was hung like a coke bottle years ago. Quick spontaneous sex was difficult. She was always sore after, and they were limited in positions due to his size. She couldn’t give him a good bj because of his size. I never met the guy and she was with him a long time ago, but I sort of feel bad for the man.

  3. There was AskReddit thread a while back, where the title was something like *”Guys with big dicks, what’s it like?”* and none of the answers were good. The whole thread was filled with things like “I’ve had 5 relationships end because my dick was too big for us to have sex” or “I can only put half of my dick inside her” or “every women I’ve slept with has been in pain, both during and after the act”.

    Big cocks are for *porn*. They are awful in real life. And I think your GF would agree, as she couldn’t even have sex with her ex-boyfriend. That’s not anything to feel insecure over.

  4. so what if he was bigger? there’s billions of people out there better than you in many different fields

    so literally why stress about something you cant change

    like dont get me wrong i understand we guys struggle with certain issues and shit but a line has to be drawn somewhere

    and whenever someone says anything to you, think about their intent

    was she trying to hurt you or was she genuinely sharing an experience she had

    now because of your stupid reaction, the chances of her sharing things with you is significantly lower

  5. You guys don’t get it, it’s not a thing of if he was bigger or not. To me, it’s the lie.

  6. You’re overthinking this. She hates big dicks….they don’t fit. She loves yours.

    Life is a bell curve, so, statistically, the average female vagina best fits with the average male penis, that’s what feels most pleasurable for most women. [Here is a study]( that finds the most favorite size women would choose for long term sexual pleasure is 6.3 inches.

    So….embrace what you got! Stop comparing!

  7. There will always be a bigger dick out there… so get over that part quick.
    I’d be more concerned about the “virgin” who had a dick that hurt before you. She is a liar. As are most people though.
    Why cock envy is so rampant with guys is comical. I’m saying this as a man.

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