I could move out but I’d be living basically paycheck to paycheck especially now a days. But i feel like a loser, weak, and not intelligent. I was sick for 8 years so ive been set behind in life. Would it be better to just move out? Move out and “be a man” so to speak? Im 30y/o

  1. Aside from your main question, don’t feel like you’re behind, life is a journey with many ups and downs, and best enjoyed when you don’t compare yourself to others. We all have gifts that aren’t always measured in monetary value. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    I will say it’s been a while since I was dating, but I remember it being a lot easier to bring a girl back to my place than my parents house. It also taught me a sense of self reliance and showed me where I lacked in living habits. I wouldn’t recommend living alone however.

  2. If you move out in today’s economy, you’ll likely pay rent for an apartment that will cost the same as a monthly mortgage on a house, except you won’t eventually own the apartment. If you have the option to live at home and save your money for when housing prices are more realistic again, I say do it. Take full advantage. Why should you change your situation based on the worries of what others might think?

  3. Mate i say stay with your parent for now if your young and your parent allow you. Try to use that time to save as much as you can. Trust me on that. and when you feel your doing right economically then move that is better

    Also dont ever compare your self or your life with others. No body ever lived or is living now or in future has the same life or went through same situation as you so it doesn’t make sense to compare it. It is like apple and orange. Also nobody even understand what is life and what we are as far as i know. So what life that is we are comparing? Just live a good life and nothing else matters i say

  4. Yeah, or flip the script and say your parents live with you. To overcome challenges and improve sometimes you have to create the challenge in the first place. Moving out is a challenge I think you are capable of. I believe in you.

  5. It’s important so that you can truly have your own space and own initiative. That applies regardless how your parents are.

    If you have bad parents, it’s even more important though.

  6. I grew up in a high cost of living area and 100% of all my friends that own a condo or house lived with their parents until they were at least 30 and even when they were living at home I never thought anything negative about it.

  7. I’m older than you and live with my folks, I pay rent and help out. I turned 40 grand of debt into 30 grand of surplus so far. Dating and stuff? I couldn’t care less about it.

  8. Only advantage for me would be the freedom. I’m also old and living in my parents’ house, and to this day I have to tell them where I’m going. They’re not too harsh on my time to be at home, but I don’t think I’d be able to go out late for the night or even sleep with someone or have her come over. That’d be the only difference, because my parents take care of a lot of things that I take for granted and that’d be an issue for me to solve when living alone.

  9. Well, my parents would certainly disagree with the amount of freaky sex I have, so that’s probably half of the top ten list of reasons I wouldn’t ever live with them again…

  10. Sanity.

    If your padres are cool with you and you don’t mind — and if it’s not straining them financially — then don’t trip.

    Parents do tend to treat their kids like children, even if you’re 60 and your mom is 80 or whatever. So that might start to annoy you at some point. Use it an a financial opportunity while you can.

  11. If your parents are cool with it and you don’t mind their rules, there’s no benefit really to moving out.

  12. Main benefit would be a bit of a confidence boost, independence, forcing yourself to learn new life skills, easier time dating. However, if you are paycheck to paycheck, I wouldn’t recommend moving out. You can move out now but there’s a good chance you’ll just be moving back, in and out of your parents house over the next several years…or be patient and hopefully just move out one time down the road.

    8 years is a long time to be set back, and I’m sorry you went through that. You can make peace with the fact that life isn’t fair, or you can keep choosing to feel like shit. Therapy isn’t free but it’d probably be worthwhile here. Truth is, anyone with your kind of situation would also be really set back, and I’m sure you are comparing yourself to the average person you know, not people that went through a massive health crisis like you did.

    I’m several years older than you and make a very comfortable wage and I’m still at home with the parents taking my time to find a nice place because the housing/rental market in my area is trash right now.

  13. Times have changed OP, dont feel bad about past “man” standards, a lot of things have changed, and shit happens..like getting sick for 8 years and a pandemic with possible recession coming up.

    The only way im gonna be able to have my own house is to buy some land on the outskirts of my city and get one built for way cheaper. Usually an acre of land on the outskirts of cities is like $10k and then whatever you want to invest into a house on said land.

  14. Seriously? None.

    Unless you have a ridiculously high paying job.

    Your generation is not your parent’s generation.

  15. I had to move out. I used to live with my mother, but we didn’t get along together. She is a very nice person, but some of her habits and ways of dealing with life were insufferable. Since then, my relationship with her improved

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