So I’m a 26/m and I’ve been looking for someone to call mine since I was 18, now mind you I get compliments about 3 times a day (not bragging I just want you to know how much looks don’t matter for guys)no one cares about your up bringing and how you were beat as a kid so you’re paranoid all the time and how you were told you were nothing and always doing something wrong so you have zero confidence in yourself….. no one cares but I finally found someone that truly likes me for me. The way I look, feel, just every little thing she liked and I truly loved that. So here’s the problem…. in the span of three weeks we went from talking every single day, spending every other day at her place to ZERO communication because I asked her to be my gf🤦🏽‍♂️. You may think why tf would you do that and that’s what I’m thinking as well but at the time it felt so right and she flat out said she liked me so I just asked. I am SO TIRED OF BEING ALONE, no siblings,no friends, I was raised alone and I TRULY thought I didn’t have to be alone anymore,I’m just really freaking tired man. Guess I didn’t ask I question lol I just really need someone to talk to rn

  1. That’s unfair and sounds very painful.

    She copped complex feelings, so now your feelings as a man can be completely disregarded?

    Fuck that latent sexism. There are better women than that.

  2. Have you talked to her since and heard her side, maybe something else is going on or she saw your relationship differently

  3. Maybe you asked her to be your gf too soon in her mind. I can relate to how you feel. I hate when something feels so right and it will work out & it doesn’t. For me that has happened when asking a lady if she is single/for her number. So now she won’t even hang out & talk with you anymore? That is still some bs on her part.

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